Old Scratchers of 2017!!! :)
This is a studio for the people from yr 6 who want to come back onto scratch, because you all still have your accounts!! btw welcome back!! please follow the studio!!! the managers r the people who started and helped start up this. P.S- don't do anything creepy with the photo plz! u can't see ppls faces! Message from @Coolgir55561 If you want me to do some animal art for you just ask :) XD Message from @Cinderpelt3303 - For people coming back, feel free to ask for advice on how to navigate the website, but as for projects; Just keep doing what you love, and your followers will develop from there. BTW; don't go join roleplays and become part of a whole bunch of fandoms because it'll destroy you :3 <-(Lol, you'll become a crazy fangirl like me, and whatever you do, DO NOT START ON THE WHOLE SHIPPING THING, IT WILL BE THE LITERAL AND METIPHORICAL END OF YOU!) Oh, and I can do art requests!