Ari’s Chat!
Hey everyone! It’s Ari! I am not on as much, SORRY! This is my chat! You can ask me any question or just talk to me, or anyone else! Make sure you read all the important stuff, like the rules and the curator part. ☼ TABLE OF CONTENTS: » QOTD » Rules » Curator » Managers » Pfp or Wallpaper requests » Quote ☼ QOTD: What is your favorite holiday? ☼ RULES » Please be kind » No advertising, unless it is your art contest, I’d love to participate » Have fun, relax and talk! ☼ Curator: If you would like to be a curator, just ask me in the comments! The only think you are required to really do is just to follow me. Please, no adding projects! If you really want to add a project, just ask me, and I will decide if you can or not. ☼ Manager: I don’t think anybody will become a manager. I know, I know, I’m sorry. I may change my mind, but rn, it is a no. ☼ Pfp and Wallpaper requests: So, one of the reasons why I joined scratch was to make pfps or wallpapers for people. I really actually enjoy it! I am more then happy to make you one too! Go to the project in this studio named Requests! To “order” your pfp or wallpaper! ☼ Stay positive! The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude. -Dennis S. Brown