AdD TH3m AlL
AdD All PR0jECtS o 0 8 oo if we get to 1000 projects i will play roblox on a school computer on may 17. (aka the last day of school) (edit: I will no longer be able to do this due to the fact **the VIRUS** you know the one, I can not do this. I will now do a new thing if we reach 1000. I will smash my phone. I will record it, and upload it on youtube and put the link in the comments. Thanks. (edit 2: SCHOOL IS BACK! So, I will play roblox on a school computer on the last day of school THIS YEAR if we get 1000 projects! I am no longer doing the smash my phone thing.) INFO FOR MODS AND CREATORS OF THE SERVER!!!!!: do not edit the desc. or thumbnail of the studio without runniong it through me first! thank you.