Anime World RP
Anime World RP Rules: Create a character by..... BIO Name: Age: Gender: Looks: Personality: You can make a character with rinmaru games anime creator. Can have unlimited characters Also, if you are some sort of creature person you have to keep it a secret. Characters: Ikaru//15//Female//Iceybluehairinponytail/Crystalblueeyes/wearsglassesshortsandrandomtshirt.brown hair and brown eyes and wears sporty clothes shortish hair //random annoying know-it-all jerk. Drasuca/16/female/One red eye, one green. Red hair with a scar over left eye. Dragon wings/Very serious Lily/16/female/Purple eyes, blonde hair in a braid. Has angel wings. Always carries a sword/Very nice and popular Dave/16/Male/Blue eyes, black hair, sunglasses. Is a pro fighter/Popular, and very weird. Sandra (Sandy) Young/16/Female Medium length blonde hair, light blue eyes, kinda pale skin, always wears pastel colored dresses Sweet, loving, always follows the rules, caring, funny, impossible to hate, amazing singer and dancer, best friends are Rizzo, Frenchy, and Marty Betty Rizzo (Always called Rizzo)/16/Female/Short brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, pretty/a rebel, has a "bad girl" rep, is always trying to bring Sandy out of her shell, can be mean when provoked, sarcastic, amazing singer, best friends are Sandy, Frenchy, and Marty Daniel (Danny)/17/Male/slicked back brown hair, brown eyes, really handsome, muscular/A rebel, very popular, usually nice, a lot of girls have a crush on him, amazing singer Delia/17/Female/Purple hair, Wolf ears. fangs, wears a bandana, one red one black eye, Scar goinbg across face, werewolf/ Very kind, and jumpy, pro soccer player Mamaro/14/Male/Brown hair, cat ears (He's a meefwa), Torquise eyes/Very clueless, but popular, can shoot a tree from 50 miles away Sawya/14/Female/Brown hair, pigtails and braids, Is a meefwa, bandages on face/Very sweet, protective, Mamaro's twin. Always has a sword Star/15/female/Blue hair in pigtails, blue glasses, crown with blue jewel, two pink and blue bows, light yellow eyes/ Is a mermaid princess, nerdy, not popular, very smart. Frenchy/16/Female/Medium length auburn hair, bright green eyes, really pretty/Sweet, a bit of a rebel, sometimes helps Rizzo get Sandy out of her shell, great singer, best friends are Sandy, Rizzo, and Marty Marty/16/Female/Long brown hair, dark brown eyes, tan skin, pretty/Usually nice, a rebel, helps Rizzo get Sandy out of her shell a lot, great singer, best friends are Sandy, Rizzo, and Frenchy Yuno // age : 16 //gender : female // long black hair with dark purple eyes leather jacket and leather boots // no one really knows her shes usaually quiet yet very very tough and can knock out a person in a sec