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°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

Assuming that this would detect that NO changes were made, I support. This would be a great way to filter out some exact copies that are only made to be the “first remix” or claim to have made most of the project (both being exact copies)
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°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

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°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°


The_5th_Scratcher wrote:

Assuming that this would detect that NO changes were made, I support. This would be a great way to filter out some exact copies that are only made to be the “first remix” or claim to have made most of the project (both being exact copies)

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°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

Any other Suggestions for This???
I think this is it
But idk
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°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

How can we ask the ST to add it?
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°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

kattcrazy wrote:

How can we ask the ST to add it?
By making a suggestion in suggestions. Hopefully an ST member sees it and it gets added to their to-do list. After a while, when they have enough time, they may try to implement this! It is very rare for suggestions to be implemented, just so you know, but don't give up!
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°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

500+ posts

°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

So, will we be removing the “Exact Copy of Project” option in “! Report” if this suggestion gets implemented? I mean if the purpose of this suggestion is to remove exact copies, wouldn't that option be useless? Also, what would happen to the exact remixes that exist today? Will they disappear or will they be left alone?
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°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

meepeygamer567 wrote:

So, will we be removing the “Exact Copy of Project” option in “! Report” if this suggestion gets implemented? I mean if the purpose of this suggestion is to remove exact copies, wouldn't that option be useless? Also, what would happen to the exact remixes that exist today? Will they disappear or will they be left alone?
I think we should keep it, just in case…
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°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

meepeygamer567 wrote:

So, will we be removing the “Exact Copy of Project” option in “! Report” if this suggestion gets implemented?
No. There are other ways to copy projects without remixing, such as downloading it and reuploading it.
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°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

Paddle2See wrote:

I think this would be great! The Scratch Team has talked about it over the years and it would be a good feature to help stop exact copy remixes. The difficult issues might be deciding how much of a change would be required to allow the remix to be shared - and coming up with good messaging to let the person know why sharing wasn't happening - and what they have to do to satisfy the difference detector.
How about when there is a difference in color or movement.
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°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

smisamul6 wrote:

How about when there is a difference in color or movement.

Yeah- but they cant just change it by like 1x or 1y, or 1brightness or 5colour
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°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

musicROCKS013 wrote:

meepeygamer567 wrote:

So, will we be removing the “Exact Copy of Project” option in “! Report” if this suggestion gets implemented?
No. There are other ways to copy projects without remixing, such as downloading it and reuploading it.

Let's keep it
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°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

Maybe for new scratchers, the requirements should be more clear like the “your project is unshared” thing
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°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

-Cold-lord-X- wrote:

Maybe for new scratchers, the requirements should be more clear like the “your project is unshared” thing
I don't see how this would benefit anyone.

Tbh, I think the requirement should be that you have to change SOMETHING. Like, it doesn't even matter. Recolor one costume: okay. Add one block that doesn't change the actual code: okay. Change the order of two sprites in the sprite layout: okay.

The requirements should be 0 or 1, where if you change ANYTHING, then it will be okay. This will help limit any ambiguity there may be with the requirements and reduce false positives. If a project didn't change anything noticable, then you can still report it as an exact copy, even if it is unnoticeably different.

If there was any requirement, I think it should be that you can't share the remix until 5 minutes after you've created it. This will help people who are simply trying to get the first remix to go, “Oh well. I might as well change something while I wait for 5 minutes.”

And, changes to the title or description won't count as a significant enough change.
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°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

musicROCKS013 wrote:

Tbh, I think the requirement should be that you have to change SOMETHING. Like, it doesn't even matter. Recolor one costume: okay. Add one block that doesn't change the actual code: okay. Change the order of two sprites in the sprite layout: okay.

But the point is to make a significant change….. I have had quite a few exact remixes on my Scratch Simulator, and it's a real pain…

musicROCKS013 wrote:

And, changes to the title or description won't count as a significant enough change.

How about the credits have to be edited, so that the person has to give credit as well as the remix banner….
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°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

kattcrazy wrote:

How about the credits have to be edited, so that the person has to give credit as well as the remix banner….

ST member wrote:

We also consider the remix attribution tag (pictured below), which thanks the person who made the original project and appears above the ‘Instructions’ field in remix chains, to be sufficient credit.

It's actually not pictured below but you get the point.
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°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

musicROCKS013 wrote:

kattcrazy wrote:

How about the credits have to be edited, so that the person has to give credit as well as the remix banner….

ST member wrote:

We also consider the remix attribution tag (pictured below), which thanks the person who made the original project and appears above the ‘Instructions’ field in remix chains, to be sufficient credit.

It's actually not pictured below but you get the point.

Oh, okay. Just a thought, coz i find it nice when people acknowledge who made the original
1000+ posts

°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

musicROCKS013 wrote:

I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure this is rejected

3.2 Disable remixing or censor minor remixes
One of the most important ideas of Scratch is the share aspect. Scratch is a website not only for displaying your work, but also for sharing it with others, and by posting your project on the Scratch website you agree to allow others to remix your work. You are not allowed to write “Do not remix this project” in the Notes and Credits of your project; you may get alerted for this, because it discourages remixing. This suggestion extends to the ability to require permission to remix a project, as you have already given permission to others to use your creations by sharing a project on Scratch; for more information, see this post.

A remix of a project is allowed on Scratch, even if the remix only contains minor changes (this includes recolors). However, when you remix a project, you should put in the Notes and Credits what you changed. If you see a project that contains no noticeable changes, please use the Report button on it so the Scratch Team can take a look at it. This suggestion extends to “extremely minor remixes,” such as a remix of a game that gives you 2 points per second instead of 1. As long as the user explains what they changed about the project and gives proper credit, this is okay.
Exact copies are NOT allowed, there's even a report option for it
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°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

kattcrazy wrote:

musicROCKS013 wrote:

Prince_Wolf1 wrote:

I think it should be clear so someone doesn’t get confused if it doesn’t let them share or get reported but they don’t understand
Because people under 8 use scratch or they just don’t get it.
Yeah. On one hand, a troll could make a bot to fulfill these requirements if they were too clear, but on the other hand innocent users could have trouble changing a project.
Plus, what is stopping someone from, after sharing the project, just reverting everything back to its original state?

That could be a problem…. maybe, if they changed it back to the orginal, it would come up with a message when they click save, saying “Your project is an exact copy of the orginal. Please make changes, if you do not, this project will be unshared”
Scratch does not store history of a project.

Also what if someone just added a few dots in the invisible part of the costume or recoded the same thing. It is impossible to keep trck. Like if they removed say 30 block memorised them amd added them back a few days later so it is different from the previous history.

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