Discuss Scratch

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°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

kattcrazy wrote:

zomboss1_1 wrote:

Hmmm… Maybe have a system where, you can make certain text permeant across remixes, but make the rest like the Notes and credits; it gets deleted?

Mmmm okay! (lol im like fixing ur quoting / spelling as i quote) yeah i get off topic too
Alright (thanks XD I'm bad at spelling and all that, so… Yeah.)
100+ posts

°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

Now we just need to ask ST to add it *shrugs*
500+ posts

°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

kattcrazy wrote:

Now we just need to ask ST to add it *shrugs*
Yes. However, when you do suggestions in contact is, it's just an automated message, saying to suggest in forums.
100+ posts

°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

zomboss1_1 wrote:

kattcrazy wrote:

Now we just need to ask ST to add it *shrugs*
Yes. However, when you do suggestions in contact is, it's just an automated message, saying to suggest in forums.

Just do “other” ig. I got the first two ST members to post on this by reporting it… Just dont do the same post each time, otherwise it might get taken down
500+ posts

°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

kattcrazy wrote:

zomboss1_1 wrote:

kattcrazy wrote:

Now we just need to ask ST to add it *shrugs*
Yes. However, when you do suggestions in contact is, it's just an automated message, saying to suggest in forums.

Just do “other” ig. I got the first two ST members to post on this by reporting it… Just dont do the same post each time, otherwise it might get taken down
100+ posts

°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

Hi ST! If you see this, thank you for coming here and reading our ideas
The most recent list of suggestions is on the original post, so have a look at that.

Last edited by kattcrazy (Sept. 6, 2022 17:08:17)

500+ posts

°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

kattcrazy wrote:

Hi ST! If you see this, thank you for coming here and reading our ideas
The most recent list of suggestions is on the original post, so have a look at that.
Hmmm… Do you think, that potentially, this concept of a pop-up could be used for projects that got taken down for something, and it tells them they have to change certain aspects of the project?
100+ posts

°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

zomboss1_1 wrote:

kattcrazy wrote:

Hi ST! If you see this, thank you for coming here and reading our ideas
The most recent list of suggestions is on the original post, so have a look at that.
Hmmm… Do you think, that potentially, this concept of a pop-up could be used for projects that got taken down for something, and it tells them they have to change certain aspects of the project?


Let's not comment, so that ST will see my message for them
95 posts

°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

No. I strongly feel this defeats the purpose of share. If the filter kept censoring minor remixes, Scratch would probably lose quite a lot of Scratchers because they would quit in spite of the filter censoring their remixes or they might stop remixing and make their own projects. (Not that it's a bad thing, all I'm saying is that if the filter kept censoring remixes, Scratchers might start disliking the filter.) It could also potentially cause a LOT of suggestions to get rid of the filter to flood into this forum. (Not this topic, but the whole Suggestions forum itself.)

Last edited by IcosahedronsAreCool (Sept. 6, 2022 20:55:46)

500+ posts

°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

IcosahedronsAreCool wrote:

No. I strongly feel this defeats the purpose of share. If the filter kept censoring minor remixes, Scratch would probably lose quite a lot of Scratchers because they would quit in spite of the filter censoring their remixes or they might stop remixing and make their own projects. (Not that it's a bad thing, all I'm saying is that if the filter kept censoring remixes, Scratchers might start disliking the filter.) It could also potentially cause a LOT of suggestions to remove the filter to flood into this forum. (Not this topic, but the whole Suggestions forum itself.)
Why would a person make an exact remix though, except out of greed for veiws? Plus, it's not allowed to make an exact remix anyways.
95 posts

°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

zomboss1_1 wrote:

Why would a person make an exact remix though, except out of greed for views? Plus, it's not allowed to make an exact remix anyways.
True, true, but all I'm saying is, if the filter gets a bug and starts going the other way around (probably not possible), the Suggestions forum could be flooded with suggestions to remove the filter

Here's an example of what I mean:

One Scratcher wrote:

Remove the filter! It censored my remix of a game although I made a lot of changes!

Last edited by IcosahedronsAreCool (Sept. 6, 2022 21:04:42)

500+ posts

°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

IcosahedronsAreCool wrote:

zomboss1_1 wrote:

Why would a person make an exact remix though, except out of greed for views? Plus, it's not allowed to make an exact remix anyways.
True, true, but all I'm saying is, if the filter gets a bug and starts going the other way around (probably not possible), the Suggestions forum could be flooded with suggestions to remove the filter

Here's an example of what I mean:

One Scratcher wrote:

Remove the filter! It censored my remix of a game although I made a lot of changes!
Hmm… There would probably be fail-safes involved, though, and a checklist type of thing within the code.
1000+ posts

°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

IcosahedronsAreCool wrote:

No. I strongly feel this defeats the purpose of share. If the filter kept censoring minor remixes, Scratch would probably lose quite a lot of Scratchers because they would quit in spite of the filter censoring their remixes or they might stop remixing and make their own projects. (Not that it's a bad thing, all I'm saying is that if the filter kept censoring remixes, Scratchers might start disliking the filter.) It could also potentially cause a LOT of suggestions to get rid of the filter to flood into this forum. (Not this topic, but the whole Suggestions forum itself.)
it's only for if it's exactly the same or they just add something invisible.also i'm sure ST will test it bfore?If they add?realease it.
100+ posts

°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

kattcrazy wrote:

Another Topic Of Mine

So, you know how some people remix, and dont change anything? Thats like stealing, sort of.

My idea to stop that is that when you remix, a change detector is activated. When you share / try to share the remix, if nothing had changed in the coding or costumes, it would pop up saying “Sorry, it appears that your remix doesn't have any difference from the original project. Please make some changes before sharing.”

It also bugs me when people dont remove the instructions, or change them? Especially if they are a message from me to other people (not meant to be copied). Maybe there could also be a feature where something in the description has to change. Just an idea tho.

Also, for both of these, i think you should be able to turn these off or on for your project, for example, if it was a project that other people remix and sign if they eant to help something, but didnt need to change the desc.

Thats all

note: these ideas above have not been edited after further discussion….below is a more recent list

- Pop Up ‘Suggestion’
- Change Detector
- Undeletable Credit Comment
- If a file is uploaded, check it for similarity to shared projects, then proceed with the system for Remixed Projects, listed above.
- Project Type Tag
- Same Description Detector

- Remix + Sign projects might not be allowed. ~ can be fixed with tag idea
- Support-By-Remixing projects might be taken down ~ can be fixed with tag idea
- Some people may avoid crediting still

- Stops exact-copy remixes
- Credit will be rightfully given
- We will have influenced Scratch, will would feel pretty cool!

- When people download a file then upload it they can evade the detector (idea: if a file is uploaded, check it for similarity to shared projects)
- At least a quarter of the project (if tag is not sign/remix/support) must be changed, including costumes, coding, and sounds


Snip Quotes Before Posting
yea but im pretty sure you can report for that but you know how can export products and upload them without it saying the original maker of th game I feel that the creator should be able to disable that or enable it for certain sprites only
100+ posts

°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

Hi everyone!

No offense, but I don't see what else there is to discuss… I think that zomboss1_1 and I sorted it out pretty well ~ we had even left a message for the Scratch Team!

Please only reply if you have a suggestion, thanks.

kattcrazy wrote:

Hi ST! If you see this, thank you for coming here and reading our ideas
The most recent list of suggestions is on the original post, so have a look at that.

100+ posts

°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

TheTrillion wrote:

However, simple slideshow projects would suffer from this, as it's just text with some simple scripts.

What I propose to solve this problem is a tag that you can add to the project's page.
I haven't come up with a name, but when your project is shared or unshared, you can go to its page and there will be an option to add a tag.
This tag will indicate whether your project is made for the purpose of sharing a script that is supposed to be used in other projects.
This tag is public.
If your tag is marked with this, any project that is shared with that script will be able to be shared with no problems.
A project containing the script will have a text appear in the project page saying that it uses a script from another project.
There will be a link to the original project.
There'll be an option to report the project if it does not fit the requirement for the tag (nothing will happen to the creator of the project, unless the project is violating the Community Guidelines). Anyone who misuses any of these options will have actions taken against their account.

I neatened it, but here you go. it seems like a good idea to me
37 posts

°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

…okay, my reply to this topic got COMPLETELY nuked because scratch team straight up does not see context.
i still think my viewpoint needs to be on here anyway due to the impending possibility of this being actually added, so i'll post it again with some wording changed.

this is a niche issue, but i feel like adding a “add more code to the project” as a requirement to share remixes could completely kill a very popular and harmless scratch phenomenon, which is remixable scratch animation memes. these are pretty much made to be remixed, but you're only supposed to change the costumes to add your own character into it. in my original post i mentioned that some people in this thread might not have a problem with those projects dying, because scratch animation memes are traditionally seen as “cringe” by some. no, this is not MY viewpoint, i don't view these things as cringe, i literally have a remixed animation meme on my profile. context exists, people. i swear if this gets reported and deleted again im not gonna be very happy.

anyway, that's just my two cents.
500+ posts

°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

kattcrazy wrote:

- Project Type Tag

- Remix + Sign projects might not be allowed. ~ can be fixed with tag idea
1000+ posts

°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

zaffyrone wrote:

…okay, my reply to this topic got COMPLETELY nuked because scratch team straight up does not see context.
i still think my viewpoint needs to be on here anyway due to the impending possibility of this being actually added, so i'll post it again with some wording changed.

this is a niche issue, but i feel like adding a “add more code to the project” as a requirement to share remixes could completely kill a very popular and harmless scratch phenomenon, which is remixable scratch animation memes. these are pretty much made to be remixed, but you're only supposed to change the costumes to add your own character into it. in my original post i mentioned that some people in this thread might not have a problem with those projects dying, because scratch animation memes are traditionally seen as “cringe” by some. no, this is not MY viewpoint, i don't view these things as cringe, i literally have a remixed animation meme on my profile. context exists, people. i swear if this gets reported and deleted again im not gonna be very happy.

anyway, that's just my two cents.
My reply got nuked too, did you see it?I also added a suggestion for the topic in that same post…

zomboss1_1 wrote:

kattcrazy wrote:

- Project Type Tag

- Remix + Sign projects might not be allowed. ~ can be fixed with tag idea
500+ posts

°°Stop Exact Copy Remixing (Filter) - Ready To Be Reviewed - By Katt°°

Prince_Wolf1 wrote:

zaffyrone wrote:

…okay, my reply to this topic got COMPLETELY nuked because scratch team straight up does not see context.
i still think my viewpoint needs to be on here anyway due to the impending possibility of this being actually added, so i'll post it again with some wording changed.

this is a niche issue, but i feel like adding a “add more code to the project” as a requirement to share remixes could completely kill a very popular and harmless scratch phenomenon, which is remixable scratch animation memes. these are pretty much made to be remixed, but you're only supposed to change the costumes to add your own character into it. in my original post i mentioned that some people in this thread might not have a problem with those projects dying, because scratch animation memes are traditionally seen as “cringe” by some. no, this is not MY viewpoint, i don't view these things as cringe, i literally have a remixed animation meme on my profile. context exists, people. i swear if this gets reported and deleted again im not gonna be very happy.

anyway, that's just my two cents.
My reply got nuked too, did you see it?I also added a suggestion for the topic in that same post…

zomboss1_1 wrote:

kattcrazy wrote:

- Project Type Tag

- Remix + Sign projects might not be allowed. ~ can be fixed with tag idea
Replying to comment above about “add OC remixes” and like stuff.

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