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R4356th wrote:

The Scratchers are mostly young and do not know that they are being tracked. Everyone's privacy matters.
Your internet service provider most likely tracks your internet traffic anyway (after all, they do provide it) so you're not much better off.

R4356th wrote:

What are “official” and “proprietary” supposed to mean here?
A search engine that Scratch makes themselves, like the project and studio searches.
1000+ posts

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kitten769 wrote:

Mega Support! Why should all our information be collected while we innocently use Scratch? (even though I already have it installed) Add duckduckgo!

lol, Google Analytics has cookies on Scratch, what about that?
So whenever you visit a Scratch Page, these cookies
(_ga stands for - Google Analytics)

Collect info about when you visited these pages and how you did

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