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- mathfreak231
1000+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
when gf clicked
ask [Do you like Minecraft?] and wait
if <answer = Yes> then
Say [Good for you!]
Say [WHY YOU LITTLE- *grabs user by neck and strangles like homer strangling bart*]
say [ow that hurt]
wait until <in hospital>
say []
- 757theminecraftman
42 posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
when gf clicked
ask [Do you like Minecraft?] and wait
if <answer = Yes> then
Say [Good for you!]
Say [WHY YOU LITTLE- *grabs user by neck and strangles like homer strangling bart*]say [ow that hurt]
wait until <in hospital>
say [][/quote]
- cwrivera99
500+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
Define Is Charlie Awesome?
Set to
Set to
- cwrivera99
500+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
Define Is Charlie Awesome?
Set [Output v] to [Yes]
- KateblurTheHedgehog
23 posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
stop all pinks
say [Scripts in your posts!]
- SWstudios
12 posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
when (people start farting)
if (people stop farting)
blow up the world
- 757theminecraftman
42 posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
when gf clicked
if <user = [Annoying]> then
switch to costume [I DON'T LIKE YOU!!]
if <user = {cool] then
switch to costume [Finally!]
Last edited by 757theminecraftman (Sept. 19, 2013 18:43:07)
- Spunky_Sam
44 posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
when gf clicked
say for (2) secs
How do you do that?
say for (2) secs
How do you do that?
Last edited by Spunky_Sam (Sept. 19, 2013 22:38:11)
- 757theminecraftman
42 posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
when gf clicked
say for (2) secs
How do you do that?
Like this:
Type "scratchblocks but you need it in brackets (these ) And then type when gf clicked (that much you got right! Good job!) and then I hope you can imitate other blocks (I'm still a little bit new at this) so basically try to see the blocks as text. By the way, brackets like this symbolize strings input, and parentheses ( ) symbolizes number input, these < > symbolize Boolean input.
Oh and to close scratchblocks Type, [/scratchblocks.
Last edited by 757theminecraftman (Sept. 19, 2013 23:31:17)
- joshuaho
1000+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
when gf clickedYou need to use this tag:
say for (2) secs
How do you do that?
[scratchblocks] and this one: [/scratchblocks]
when gf clicked
say [I am awesome!] for (2) secs
This was what I did to make the blocks:
when gf clicked
say [ I am awesome!] for (2) secs
Note: Booleens will look like reporter blocks.
Last edited by joshuaho (Sept. 20, 2013 05:16:08)
- HeroBrineNZK
82 posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
when gf clicked
define welcome
say [hello] for (10) secs
switch backdrop to [backdrop2 v]
broadcast [m1 v] and wait
when I receive [m1 v]
go to x: (pick random (1) to (10)) y: (99)
WOW that is cool
- HeroBrineNZK
82 posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
when gf clicked
define welcome
say [hello] for (10) secs
switch backdrop to [backdrop2 v]
broadcast [m1 v] and wait
when I receive [m1 v]
go to x: (pick random (1) to (10)) y: (99)
WOW that is cool
- savaka
1000+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
Correction to the correctionwhen gf clicked
ask [Does scratchblocks work?]
(answer) = [yes]
say [Hooray!]
say [What is there to say? Scratchblocks are there in 2.0!!!! Woohoo!]
Correctionwhen gf clicked
ask [Does scratchblocks work?] and wait
(answer) = [yes]
say [Hooray!]
say [What is there to say? Scratchblocks are there in 2.0!!!! Woohoo!]
when gf clicked
ask [Does scratchblocks work?] and wait
if <(answer) = [yes]> then
say [Hooray!]
say [What is there to say? Scratchblocks are there in 2.0!!!! Woohoo!]
- 757theminecraftman
42 posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
when gf clicked
define welcome
say [hello] for (10) secs
switch backdrop to [backdrop2 v]
broadcast [m1 v] and wait
when I receive [m1 v]
go to x: (pick random (1) to (10)) y: (99)
WOW that is cool
There you go!
- meowflash
500+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
when <video games become real?>
say [Hubba what?] for (2) secs
if <Mario punches brick?> then
decide (pick random (1) to (2)
define decide (decision)
if <(decision)=(1)> then
say [Wow! You broke the brick!]
if <(decision)=(2)> then
say [Are you okay?]
goto [middle of nowhere v]
- savaka
1000+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
It will be way easier with cloud lists when they come out. HOW DO I TELL MY GAME TO HAVE SEPARATE USERS???????????????????? ( EXP. , your user, Coins 35 , other user, coins , 57 )
- savaka
1000+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
Correction:when gf clicked
if <user = awesome> then
set [person] to (AWESOME)
when gf clicked
if <(user) = [awesome]> then
set [person v] to [AWESOME]
Correction:when gf clicked
ask [Do you like Minecraft?] and wait
if <answer = Yes> then
Say [Good for you!]
Say [WHY YOU LITTLE- *grabs user by neck and strangles like homer strangling bart*]
when gf clicked
ask [Do you like Minecraft?] and wait
if <(answer) = [Yes]> then
Say [Good for you!]
Say [WHY YOU LITTLE- *grabs user by neck and strangles like homer strangling bart*]
Correction:when gf clicked
if <user = [Annoying]> then
switch to costume [I DON'T LIKE YOU!!]
if <user = {cool] then
switch to costume [Finally!]
when gf clickedI like correcting stuff!
if <(user) = [Annoying]> then
switch to costume [I DON'T LIKE YOU!! v]
if <(user) = [cool]> then
switch to costume [Finally! v]
- Walrus227
54 posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
define Yay!
say [Yay!] for (2) secs
when gf clicked
- clubpenguin552222
100+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
define run basic code [code] line (line)
wait until < (Line) = (line)
run basic code (code)
set [line v] to ( (Line) + (10)
define BASIC- goto (line to go)
run basic code (join [goto ] (line to go)) line (Line)
when gf clicked
Set [line v] to (10)
run basic code [print "Scratch is AWESOME!!!"] line (10)
BASIC- goto (10)
Last edited by clubpenguin552222 (Sept. 23, 2013 23:11:06)