zeru1 » Favorites (50)
How to Draw an Owl by MegaFruitCake
Pac-Man - A Short Animation by OxySean
The Bauble Factory by WoompaDoop
Warriors Silent Film: "Golfing with Scourge" by Lionclaws
Lune by 2030
Dead Light by D_OrangeGAMING
PACMAN fairy tail by Tia_the_river_tamer
Minecraft Racing XTreme by explodincreeper
SDS Island Platformer by _-Hobbes-_
Cookie Clicker by cs101127
Cat Running animation by Shadowcat17
Black Hole Event Horizon by selim_tezel
WALL OF FLESH FIGHT by littlelemon123
Comet by PixelZebra
watch out old man!!!! by Morgan_och_Robot
DUET (Pen) by Noroz
animation! by zeru1
Pen Platformer by Noroz
Pig Latin Translator! by Patroach
Cube Wars by Mizuki2000
better by zeru1
Scratch for Cats by speakvisually
✎platform paver✎ by beasleydog
Warriors Simulator ~ SC17 by Shadowcat17
Find Your Warriors Clan by Shadowcat17
Warior cat trivia! by zeru1
Pixel Snake by PixelZebra
Fruit King by Transtrum
Zero from nightmare before christmas by kreebilslover
Transparent by Transtrum
Crossy Road by DancingDragonfly
Donut Clicker by Oneirik
Gobo Evolution by MysteryCreator7
Zoo Tycoon - Mini by Doodlebug450
scrolling by zeru1
new logo contest CLOSED by zeru1
How to Do The Chicken Dance! by kgumbyr
Panic Run by Oneirik
3D Minecraft Version 1.0 by YSFLIGHT88
Paper Minecraft v11.3 (Minecraft 2D) remix by lilcoocoo413
Virtual Chicken Coop by b00k_w0rm
Warriors: Into the Wild (Episode 4) by BIazeheart
bactiria of the eating by zeru1
owl v.s mouse by zeru1
How to Make Play-Dough by Cyne
Captain Sparklez by NightWatcherJenny
Mole in her hole. by wearyjamiez
Quench by lynxkitten101
Laser Dodger 3 by treva8319
Platformer Tutorial v0.12 by griffpatch_tutor