Scratcher Joined 11 years ago United States
About me
Hey guys!! I make music and other stuff. if you want, you can request any songs that you want!!
Thank You guys for making my
profiles / channels (studios) what they are today!!!
What I'm working on
MUSIC!!! (I am taking song requests!!!)
Link to my second account;
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (81)
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Gone... 0 day/s till... by zach31966
Majority Rules! #18, FOB vs. MCR by zach31966
Chirstmas Saus! [OPEN WHEN CREATED] by zach31966
Majority Rules! #17. MCR vs. 21P by zach31966
Majority Rules! #16, MCR vs. AAR by zach31966
Friday - Rebeca Black by zach31966
THE SCRATCH APP remix remix by zach31966
My new intro for Everthing!! by zach31966
Add yourself taking a selfie with me! remix remix by zach31966
Majority Rules! #13, Brick + Mortar vs,TWS by zach31966
MCR is illuminati confirmed! by zach31966
Add your self waiting in an eleavator remix remix remix remix remix by zach31966
sign if you miss my chemical romance remix remix remix remix remix remix by zach31966
Cat licky contest Zach31966 by zach31966
Majority Rules! #12, P!ATD vs. MCR by zach31966
Majority Rules!! #10, EchoSmith vs. Patrick S. by zach31966
Majority Rules!! #8, One Republic vs. FOB by zach31966
-:Press Play Walk Away:- CC-:OPEN:- remix remix by zach31966
Majority Rules! #7, FTP vs.ID by zach31966
Majority Rules! #6, MCR vs. P!ATD by zach31966
Favorite Projects
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OOOooohh! by AquaRain10
Gone... 0 day/s till... by zach31966
Cat licky contest Zach31966 by zach31966
Majority Rules! #19, Gorillaz vs. TWS by Music_Monsta
Majority Rules! #18, FOB vs. MCR by zach31966
blue cristmas by: elvis presly by zach31966
Majority Rules! #17. MCR vs. 21P by zach31966
Majority Rules! #16, MCR vs. AAR by zach31966
sign if you miss my chemical romance remix remix remix remix remix remix remix by Kat1571
Majority Rules! #12, P!ATD vs. MCR by zach31966
IKEA SIMULATOR 2015 by MajesticPie
A song for Jackson. (READ DISCRIPTION) by AquaRain10
Majority Rules! #6, MCR vs. P!ATD by zach31966
Majority Rules! #13, Brick + Mortar vs,TWS by zach31966
Add your self waiting in an eleavator remix remix remix remix remix by zach31966
i can swing my sword by zach31966
-:Press Play Walk Away:- CC-:OPEN:- remix remix by zach31966
MCR is illuminati confirmed! by zach31966
-Dodge- by Simple_
The Impossible Test! by Tarlach
Studios I'm Following
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Personality Quiz Studio
My Chemical Romance
My Chemical Romance
Majority Rules! Studio
Pixels Arcade
Scratch High School RPG (Read Desc.)
Kirato University - RPG
Flame heart 14
Doctor Who? Doctor What? Doctor Why? Doctor When?
║The Whovian Studio║
Shane Dawson Fans
theme songs
Add all creepypasta projects :D
Bart Baker
~-=-=Sword Art Online Fan Club=-=-~
5th Graders Studio
plz help me to get 200 projects by 2016!!!!!
The Official Beatles Fan Club
Mr.Hand's class only awsome
The Pewdiepie studio!!!
Studios I Curate
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~ Best Music Accounts on Scratch ~
My Chemical Romance
Scratch High School RPG (Read Desc.)
Kirato University - RPG
Flame heart 14
Doctor Who? Doctor What? Doctor Why? Doctor When?
║The Whovian Studio║
Stomp Out CyberBullies
HALEYTHEMOTHRA16's truly amazing followers!! :)
Weirdos Weird Adventures Studio!!
The Pewdiepie studio!!!
~-=-=Sword Art Online Fan Club=-=-~
Flappy Bird & awesome game studios
plz help me to get 200 projects by 2016!!!!!
can we get 200 projects by 12/25/15?
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