yuhan_shao » Favorites (24)
Pet Pikachu by yuhan_shao
Vanletine's Story:)! by yuhan_shao
Paper Minecraft v11.7 (Minecraft 2D) by griffpatch
A Fantasy Story! by yuhan_shao
Maze Runner get away from sun by yuhan_shao
~The Bunny Burrow~ by yuhan_shao
~The Bunny Burrow~ by DoodleBunny
Donut Craze by nbauernfeind
Journey to The Moon by Janwyn
Scratch City by ScratchStang
Tour the world by yuhan_shao
A Mini Game! by yuhan_shao
Black Earth, White Snow by yuhan_shao
Scratch is fun! (animation) by yuhan_shao
Tour the world by iCakeAwesome
Scratch is fun! (animation) by mekizmo
A Race! by yuhan_shao
The test in the party by yuhan_shao
A very fun game! by yuhan_shao
Platform rush v2.8.2 by superpeabody
How to Draw an Owl by MegaFruitCake
The Current by applepiesleth
Flooder by kieranblackley
Holiday DIY! by Ageren