ysamaha » Shared Projects (57)
withoutWithReset by ysamaha
Untitled-18 by ysamaha
Multiplication game remix 2digit numbers by ysamaha
Multiplication game remix 6 to 9 copy by ysamaha
Addition game 3-digit numbers by ysamaha
Multiplication game remix 6 to 9 by ysamaha
Starter code make a flower by ysamaha
reset by ysamaha
Triangle remix remix remix by ysamaha
Week 3 Code 2 remix by ysamaha
Week 3 Code 1 remix-4 by ysamaha
Week 3 Code 1 remix copy by ysamaha
Week 3 Code 1 remix by ysamaha
cell membrane permeability by ysamaha
quadratic functions remix-2 by ysamaha
quadratic functions remix by ysamaha
A First Scratch Challenge remix-6 by ysamaha
art with scratch by ysamaha
starter code by ysamaha
Plotting coordinates starter code remix by ysamaha
ElectronConfiguration remix by ysamaha
Unfair coin by ysamaha
concentric circles3 remix by ysamaha
Billiard Sim remix by ysamaha
linear functions and negative reciprocal slopes remix by ysamaha
coin toss - Subprograms remix by ysamaha
Untitled-10 by ysamaha
basic guess my number remix by ysamaha
Basic Fact Checker with visual representation (blocks) by ysamaha
Scratch Colours 1 long list remix by ysamaha
Basic fact checker by ysamaha
Create a spiral with scratch by ysamaha
Draw A circle- subprogram by ysamaha
Nested loop Flower by ysamaha
on the way of becoming a bicycle by ysamaha
Fish Chomp - Starter remix by ysamaha
Untitled-7 by ysamaha
Spiral inside out by ysamaha
Spiral outside in by ysamaha
Debug It! 2.5 remix-2 by ysamaha
Debug It! 2.5 remix by ysamaha
Debug It! 2.4 remix by ysamaha
Debug It! 2.3 remix by ysamaha
Debug It! 2.2 remix-2 by ysamaha
Debug It! 2.2 remix by ysamaha
Debug It! 2.1 remix by ysamaha
Avery and Cat walking by ysamaha
Walking Avery by ysamaha
Conversations remix by ysamaha
Mitosis remix by ysamaha
Drawing project 1 remix by ysamaha
geometric art remix I by ysamaha
draw square remix by ysamaha
Drawing with scratch 1 by ysamaha
having fun with the music: brother john guitar improved by ysamaha
having fun with the music by ysamaha
A First Scratch Challenge remix-2 by ysamaha