
Student of: Outschool Scratcher Joined 4 years, 7 months ago United States

About me

I'm Clover. Go to @yotsuballerina-japan to talk.
Warrior cat name:
Heartfur // She-cat // Deputy of Fireclan //

ᑭᴜᴛ ᴛʜɪΔ ΩΠ ΨΩᴜᖇ ᑭᖇΩҒɪʟΣ ɪҒ ΨΩᴜ ΔᖇΣ Δ ᑭΩᴛᴛΣᖇʜΣΔD

I erased most of my projects

What I'm working on

70% of the world thinks Warrior Cats is stupid, 25% don't care, 5% would slap them in the face with a hardcover & say "StarClan's out for Revenge!" Put this on your profile if you are part of the 5%!

What I've been doing


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