yeetus0 » Shared Projects (21)
Me when the backpack does not work by yeetus0
Every Scratcher Ever #7 by yeetus0
New Mix by yeetus0
The Dumbest Things I Have Ever Done IRL And On Scratch by yeetus0
FREE music library remix by yeetus0
toast cat v.s. scratch cat be like by yeetus0
ANNOUNCEMENT !!! i have bad news :,( by yeetus0
collab page by yeetus0
2 Brothers intro V0.0.1 by yeetus0
How it works (kinda) 2 Sides At War by yeetus0
credits by yeetus0
ads + promotions by yeetus0
sign ups for 2 Sides At War by yeetus0
part 1 e.1 sneek peek by yeetus0
2 sides at war intro v0.1 by yeetus0
intro v 0.0.3 by yeetus0
intro 0.0.2 by yeetus0
its time i made me a intro v 0.0.1 by yeetus0
... by yeetus0
Plants VS Zombies hacked v0.0.2 by yeetus0
Candy Clicker hacked 0.0.4 now with even more gold by yeetus0