yahiae » Shared Projects (24)
(Final Game + yahiae) Zombie Attack by yahiae
LOYO Project by yahiae
customBlockDebug remix by yahiae
customBlockInputs remix by yahiae
yahiae_my custom block by yahiae
yahiae_customblocksquare by yahiae
ElhagHagley--Calculator by yahiae
Are you good at scratch? by yahiae
YahiaEandSeanH__Variables: Score & Timer by yahiae
If-Then-Conditionals_Practice remix by yahiae
Yahia_LOOPS(yahiae) by yahiae
Efficient and Loops (yahiae) by yahiae
Winn--LoopPractice remix (yahiae and seanh) by yahiae
Repeat & Forever blocks remix (yahiae and seanh) by yahiae
Parallelism HW (yahiae) by yahiae
(yahiae) Broadcast Practice [Maze] remix by yahiae
yahiaeandseanh_parallelism practice 2 by yahiae
yahiaeandseanh_synchro by yahiae
About Me (Yahia Elhag) by yahiae
10 block challenge remix (Elhag) by yahiae
10 Block Challenge remix (Elhag) by yahiae
Yahiae_SurpriseScratch by yahiae
Yahia_My Sprite by yahiae
Scratch Tutorial by yahiae