New Scratcher Joined 1 month, 2 weeks ago United States
H3Y!1!! 1'm 4 s1lly g1rl, wh0 l0v3s t0 l1st3n t0 mu51c!1!!1 l0v3 y0u!1!!1! >.< 1'm g0nn4 h4v3 4 sy5t3m c4ll3d, "shout out of the day". 1t'5 wh3r3 1 sh0ut0ut 4 g4m3, th4t 1 th1nk n33d5 m0r3 4tt3nt10n.
1 ju5t pl4y g4m35, 1'm pr0b4lly n0t m4k1ng 4nyth1ng. 1 4l50 0NLY f0ll0w my fr13nd5.