wafflegoatz » Shared Projects (18)
0Arms Early Early not even finished test. by wafflegoatz
So guys we did it simulator by wafflegoatz
Spider-Man Platformer (Not a full game) by wafflegoatz
(Sneak peak) Comics on Scratch - A Streaming Service by wafflegoatz
Basic Island Engine With Boss by wafflegoatz
The Mighty Marvel Scratchcast Ep. 1: Gaurdians 3, Infinity Wars and more! by wafflegoatz
Code-clan Six October update!! by wafflegoatz
British steroeotype (From the desk of an Australian) by wafflegoatz
Holo-Phone by wafflegoatz
Couldn't think of anything to post so heres Steve by wafflegoatz
Bob Odyssey - Demo Version 1.6b competion remix by wafflegoatz
Clyde: Infinite World 1-1 by wafflegoatz
Super Slime Smash by wafflegoatz
Splatoon 2d by wafflegoatz
Tag hangout roleplay YT area (made by griifpatch) by wafflegoatz
Baseball-2 by wafflegoatz
Dounut Eater by wafflegoatz
Scratch Study Partner by wafflegoatz