tisssssy2 » Shared Projects (175)
Untitled-6 by tisssssy2
Vectorized windows 10 boot screen by tisssssy2
Scratch OS 3.21 Father's day edition by tisssssy2
Untitled-4 by tisssssy2
Scatch website bar by tisssssy2
I have windows 11!!! by tisssssy2
A winver for a virtual machine for scratchos by tisssssy2
New shutdown screen by tisssssy2
Drop-Down Menu J1.0 {UI Studio} remix by tisssssy2
ScratchOS 3.21 Placeholder build by tisssssy2
ScratchOS 3.21 placeholder build by tisssssy2
Scratch OS 3.21 Confidential Preview build 9909.001 by tisssssy2
Untitled-3 by tisssssy2
Untitled-2 by tisssssy2
Ban page 2: tisssssy by tisssssy2
viruscat.exe by tisssssy2
sleecatOS Michael Setup beta 1 by tisssssy2
So i tried to make ScratchOS 3.21 build 18282 in vector.... copy by tisssssy2
Here you go! :D But it's real remix by tisssssy2
scratchOS 3.21 build 9909 modern UI concept by tisssssy2
scratchOS 3.21 build 9909 start screen v1.1 by tisssssy2
sleecatOS Michael Lightweight Concept by tisssssy2
ScratchOS project for tisssssy2 to work on by tisssssy2
Scratch OS Animated Name extension by tisssssy2
scratchOS BE: build 9909 concept by tisssssy2
sleecatOS Michael placeholder build by tisssssy2
party barker by tisssssy2
party pinky by tisssssy2
Scratch OS 3.21 Technical Preview build 9907 by tisssssy2
SeOS R 1 Beta 1.0.1 (Hotfix) remix by tisssssy2
party dog by tisssssy2
Ban page 1: 123pizzaopen by tisssssy2
Scratch OS 3.21 : a modern OS 2.0 by tisssssy2
ScratchOS 3.21: A modern OS 1.0 by tisssssy2
SkyOS but the notifications are broken (Virus program??) remix by tisssssy2
ScratchOS app menu by tisssssy2
ScratchOS app menu by tisssssy2
ScratchOS concept by tisssssy2
ScratchOS window dialog 32 by tisssssy2
RESCAT (random stuff) 17 by tisssssy2
RESCAT (random stuff) 16 by tisssssy2
RUN PIKACHU, RUN!!! remix by tisssssy2
WHat u playing among us remix by tisssssy2
Scratch OS 3.21 Technical Preview build 9906 by tisssssy2
amogus meme by tisssssy2
Ctrl+Alt+Delete detector and screen by tisssssy2
Scratch OS 3.1: the old memories by tisssssy2
Scratch OS 3.21 Offline to Online Updates 1 by tisssssy2
ScratchOS 3.21 OOBE by tisssssy2
Scratch OS 3.21 Technical Preview build 9903 by tisssssy2
Afm GUI test 1 by tisssssy2
Scratch OS 3.21 Technical Preview build 9901 by tisssssy2
Build 10000 OSver by tisssssy2
ScratchOSDows Build 10000 by tisssssy2
ScratchOSDows 9 build 10000 boot screen by tisssssy2
ScratchOS 3.21 build 10000 concept by tisssssy2
ScratchOS build 13045 concept by tisssssy2
RESCAT (random stuff) 15 by tisssssy2
RESCAT (random stuff) 14 by tisssssy2
RESCAT (random stuff) 13 by tisssssy2