Scratcher Joined 15 years, 7 months ago Australia
About me
Scratch is just where it starts. From here you'll continue into a more powerful engine or learning and program in languages such as java or c++ maybe both as well as OpenGl and Xml.
What I'm working on
I currently develop games in java for pc. My most recent project uses the tile set seen in my recent scratch RPG. Please look at my stuff and i hope you get ideas from them :)
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (10)
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Rpg by tinytiger
pokemon sky blue 6.1 by tinytiger
pokemon sky blue 5.6 by tinytiger
game for flurr's competition by tinytiger
pokemon sky blue 5.4 (comment) by tinytiger
pokemon sky blue 5.2 new version at http://scratch.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/projects/tinytiger/1934963 by tinytiger
pokemon sky blue 5 new version at http://scratch.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/projects/tinytiger/1934963 by tinytiger
scrolling cat try 3 with parsh death on fall by tinytiger
pokemon sky blue 2 older version but dosnt glitch as much new version at http://scratch.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/proj by tinytiger
pokemon sky blue new version at http://scratch.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/projects/tinytiger/1934963 by tinytiger
Favorite Projects
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GhostCube sprite by mcjohnso
RayGun Cod zombies sprite by joeywins22
LaundryQuest 2 (demo) by kreechurkid
STICKMAN by Governer
Windows XP My version(governer). by Governer
Space War 4 by illusionist
Archery Champion beta 1.0 by Shanesta
SwordCraft beta 1.0 by awesomeprojects42
Mechanism by acedannyk
Stone Age! by Hotwire
Reiner Sampler by axorion
Wandering knight by Mayhem
The Hunger Games-Pick Your Tribute by JKamesGames
BOBs life by BIG-red-BUTTON
Hunger Games Comp Entry Form by Koalasrock
ProjectMine: Chapter 1 {v1.0.2} by 08jackt
pokemon scroll test (read description) by Saca312
Pokemon Silver™ by TheSaint
The slimey project by treebark1313
Studios I Curate
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