theartfulcoder » Shared Projects (171)
Dance project by theartfulcoder
Everything Everywhere all around Scratch by theartfulcoder
Road to Bulla Iftin- remix by theartfulcoder
Scratch Final Project remix - e by theartfulcoder
Remix of Fraction Game by theartfulcoder
Join, Ask Answer for a check in by theartfulcoder
Demons in the Night Broadcast Conversation remix by theartfulcoder
Demons in the Night Wait Conversation copy remix by theartfulcoder
Eli Dancing remix by theartfulcoder
monkey to share by theartfulcoder
Untitled-153 by theartfulcoder
dancing sprite js by theartfulcoder
Untitled-34 remix by theartfulcoder
ROBOT Apocalypse MAZE remix by theartfulcoder
Maze Grm remix by theartfulcoder
My first Scratch project remix by theartfulcoder
Design Your Own Cake remix by theartfulcoder
Cats vs. Dragons remix by theartfulcoder
Math Operations Quiz remix by theartfulcoder
Dancing Stick Man remix by theartfulcoder
Adinkra Symbols with quilt blocks by theartfulcoder
Turtle Art in Scratch by theartfulcoder
MI CASA remix by theartfulcoder
Chico's Care updated 2 remix by theartfulcoder
Adinkra Symbols by theartfulcoder
Adinkra smaller by theartfulcoder
Adinkra smaller copy with quilt blocks by theartfulcoder
Chico's Care without if else by theartfulcoder
Chico's Care remix by theartfulcoder
Star Hunting remix-2 by theartfulcoder
SEED Dance party begins -- TA remix remix by theartfulcoder
Transportation Maze Game Iteration by theartfulcoder
Dancing Sprite remix by theartfulcoder
Flowers remix by theartfulcoder
Dancing monkey remix copy by theartfulcoder
Baseball project by theartfulcoder
SEED Dance party begins by theartfulcoder
Conversation with Broadcast copy showing other storytelling by theartfulcoder
Conversation with Broadcast by theartfulcoder
Dancing for Tutorial code and example copy by theartfulcoder
Conversation remix by theartfulcoder
jacobsJan6 by theartfulcoder
Ari's Scrach project for Judith Jan 13 by theartfulcoder
SJC NAME remix by theartfulcoder
slow glide, rotate and flip quilt blocks copy by theartfulcoder
Video Sensing by theartfulcoder
Design Maker - mystery variables by theartfulcoder
build your own mystery drawing by theartfulcoder
mystery variables by theartfulcoder
build your own drawing program by theartfulcoder
Dancing for Tutorial code and example by theartfulcoder
Third Grade Sample Broadcast by theartfulcoder
Practicing Broadcast by theartfulcoder
JA madlibs by theartfulcoder
Banana Cat remix by theartfulcoder
Jsscratch2 by theartfulcoder
Untitled-48 by theartfulcoder
Aunt Rona's Faces by theartfulcoder
dancingspritejs by theartfulcoder
My dancing sprite js by theartfulcoder