the-dude12 » Favorites (49)
SCP-294 (work in progress) by Rikoo-San
Meif"wa Avatar creation tutorial by Rikoo-San
Studio Art Challenge by the-dude12
Five Nights at Freddy's Old by Evan1envicG
Ultimate Custom Night by electric_donuts
The Ultimate Monitor Fun (WIP) by the-dude12
Face Maker 2.0 copy by the-dude12
Scrolling Platformer Engine by user_Matteo
Void Apocalypse the Platformer Beta (Discontinued) by the-dude12
Google Logo Starter Project Unown by the-dude12
bees buzz for no reason at all by the-dude12
See you later scratch 2.0... by Bobwob_2909
Ultimate custom night by the-dude12
-Kindly- 's Singing Competition OPEN by -Kindly-
fnaf 3 panel by Series_videos_GTA_3
Five Night's With Mr. Hugs v0.961 (Alpha 2.1) by MarioLuigi55555
UNICORNS by Skaptyl100
FNAF 1 Jumpscare Simulator by memo2315
Freddy's Jumpscare by thunderstriker777
Plugin by Dragon_Fractal
Scrolling Platformer Engine 2 by RURB
The Donut Bakery ★ A Baking Game by whimsical
Cake Simulator by meow2312
Super Mario Maker [New Features Added!] by Brad-Games
space blaster by lokky682
Springtrap animations Test by YourBestNightmare
Rift [UNFINISHED] by -ShadowOfTheFuture-
Animatronic simulator remix by nooacool777
The Evolution of Mankind by FUZZIE-WEASEL
The Movie by BaconGamer
Spiralizer by the-dude12
Geometry Dash v1.5 by griffpatch
Create an anamatronic 2.6 by the-dude12
Flappy Bird 3D 2 by WO997
kirby sprites by muymik123
Platforming Engine by KingOfAwesome58219
Batman Goes to School by Dhilly
Color Maze Game by 476627
When There's no Doritos by Hobson-TV
Geometry Dash 2 by Ayrton0313
Geometry Dash v1.5 colour change by the-dude12
Dhill-E by Dhilly
Candy Boy 1 by the-dude12
The stick-man (a platforming game) by Barnabas09
Pokémon Battles by TangoMangoStudios
Slime Ninja 3 CHEAT CODES v1.3 by TheYellowNinja17
Slime Ninja 3 by DarkLava
LOOOL by superjude
Platform of Pixels by yellowlab