tessieawesome » Shared Projects (58)
Art Dump (Sort of) by tessieawesome
my animal by tessieawesome
Tessy Road by tessieawesome
The Scratch Voice - Contestant Sign-Ups 2016 remix by tessieawesome
100 Follower CC: Quiet Like the Snow remix by tessieawesome
How to draw totoro and friends in vector by tessieawesome
Soccer shoot! by tessieawesome
How cupcake am I?? by tessieawesome
The dancing bunnies by tessieawesome
alice in wonderland the mirror by tessieawesome
Carrot's Art Contest - Auditions (Open) remix by tessieawesome
Summer Dress up!! (o.o) by tessieawesome
Round 3 remix by tessieawesome
Round 2 remix by tessieawesome
Birthday Contest remix by tessieawesome
Round 1 remix By tessieawesome! by tessieawesome
Platformer Contest Info and Signups remix by tessieawesome
50 Follower Raffle remix by tessieawesome
person drawing contest by tessieawesome
*ONE DAY LEFT*Round One:Draw That Person! remix by tessieawesome
BlueBird18 by tessieawesome
Tinyland RP sign up remix by tessieawesome
seasan cold by tessieawesome
Model Home remix by tessieawesome
Best Kitty Contest *OPEN* remix by tessieawesome
scratch flower by tessieawesome
draw by tessieawesome
cat chase ball by tessieawesome
draw for fun by tessieawesome
School Girl Colour Contest! remix by tessieawesome
Valentine's day card! by tessieawesome
Find The Watermelon! by tessieawesome
Hamster dance! by tessieawesome
My Little Pony Maker remix by tessieawesome
Chibi pony CC *OPEN* ( With attachable wing and horn) remix by tessieawesome
Winter Wars signups remix-2 by tessieawesome
(Contest!) Design Your Own Bun Bon! remix by tessieawesome
Create Your Style (Winter) CC *OPEN* remix by tessieawesome
Project for the Athenian! by tessieawesome
Tutorial: Draw with Mouse-Pointer (Scripting) remix by tessieawesome
Dawn! by tessieawesome
decorate the Tree! by tessieawesome
Let it snow! by tessieawesome
YEE remix-2 by tessieawesome
my entry splash! by tessieawesome
my entry! by tessieawesome
yum doughnuts!!!!!!!!!!!!! by tessieawesome
Fashion Coloring Contest OPEN remix-2 by tessieawesome
Mermaid Drawing Contest! misty! remix-2 by tessieawesome
Witchy Scratch Cat by tessieawesome
Halloween pumpkin! by tessieawesome
panda dance by tessieawesome
panda dressup by tessieawesome
Fashion Designer Contest Round 3 remix remix by tessieawesome
Elephants Don't Jump remix by tessieawesome
pony run by tessieawesome
Untitled-13 by tessieawesome
helo by tessieawesome