teasquard » Favorites (131)
Scratchle v1.1 - Wordle With Scratch Blocks! by yippymishy
Action Fingers Development Version 1 Remake by Alzter
Computer Virus Simulator! (Moblie Friendly Version) #games #trending #all by MNP_CJL
Super Tic-Tac-Toe by CoolDude_Meh
Plastic Duck Simulator V3.1 by SquirtleSquad4
Terraria Boss Simulator v 1.1.5 by stdpt
Taking Griffpatch's Stretching Sprites to the next Logical Extreme by VinCrafts
2DASI Fanmade Redesigns by Copcorn290
The Death that I Deservioli but it keeps changing styles by SuperScratchMaker123
advertising by GameboyEpicDude125
Cuphead: Spamton NEO Boss Fight v. 2.0 by messcratch2020
Cat Generator 2.0 by SamanitaMuscaria
Online Base Defense by aiden435
3 min. & 20 sec. at Fredi's - Custom Night Edition by DaKoobFrom2006
*SANS CREATE. by tatukunn
"It's Pizza Time!" but it keeps changing styles by SuperScratchMaker123
arrow & ball with editor! v by MMGISS
Bomberman v1.0 by griffpatch
Peter Griffin Platformer by AJDNMotion
normal project by zvardin
piza fac by jazondm
Super Mario 64 in 31 Seconds | #Animations by TerminatorMemShorts
Obama Adventures by Ploomutoo
God Feast But Memes by augumo
An Ordinary Adventure V1.2 by ZachBoyAdvance
Pacman but nothing is wrong by hubwubsushi
Plants Vs. Zombies - Endless Mode ARCHIVED by V1beRater
Don't Love This Project! by FireTeller
Escalator Mayhem: New Heights! by elementalninjaday
Garfielf's Lasagna Crisis by Nicpet99888
wario.mp4 dance meme template by FireMayro
Rock by tatcial
Rhythm Valley (Catchy Tune) by OxigenO2
STEE NO!!!!! by hubwubsushi
Nes Godzilla Tower Defense code dump by hubwubsushi
Mario PC Port. by Homer5678
Marcus/MUGENWarrior Spritesheet by NGCMaker
Incrediscratch V4 by ScribbleToons
Tutorial: How I make Plushies by Distorted-Reality
Ideas, hand em over by teasquard
The (Probably) Best mod for Famicom gorbzilla by teasquard
[EPILEPSY] Something detector by hubwubsushi
The Chimera by Allocanthorex3
Jester Mod ☁️ Among Us Scratch v0.27 (online) by TimMcCool
Pac-Man PC Port by Sansiago
"there are too many legs" by Finfunley
Living with Wario Episode 2 but it's Scratch by Makai_Bros
FNF Vs. Sackboy.exe OST - Unzipped by -ArtisticGames-
Virtual boy Simulator by CaptainVictoria
Ant AI by -rein-
The first 3 minutes of elephant 3 by SquigglyTuff
9k elephant by SquigglyTuff
Randomized Hotel Mario Intro by MrManGuy
Zelda 3D Version 2.1.3 by Dreamcast
Griffpatch's Blue Line Filter by griffpatch
2.5d Platformer Test by TurnupList00
TEASER 2 by hubwubsushi
45 seconds at fedson's sec bruh by cut12345898