sushigo2 » Favorites (44)
katie chaikin origin story by Idocartoons
Getting Over It v1.4 by griffpatch
Platformer by Semi99999
Dance, Gingerbread Man, Dance! by Fyndora
Sharky Plays Among Us by sharkyshar
Mini profile maker! by butterfly-bag
NYAN CAT but there will be less copyright strikes by scratch_officer2
cvnm m;h' n\jhjh by Jas_The_Man
Trick or Yeet by BurntPotatoArts
what i do at 3:27 pm by sushigo2
On Sale by Testing-Monkey
Baby Shark Song 2.0 by Labbit_Cat
R O B L O X by WorldPro1
Sushi Platformer by key01134
why i don't like COVID-19! by GLECK
gas passer (animated short) by john1124
GREEN CAT by john1124
Black Lives Matter by john1124
Slenderman The Story part 1 remix by sushigo2
Geometry Dash v1.5 by griffpatch
The Evil Genie choose your own adventure by David1010321
Unity FOR @idocartoons by sushigo2
Slenderman The Story part 1 by john1124
SpeedPong Fire Volcano Fast Pong Gamer by DawnOfTime15
Bunny City (v1.0.1) by applepiesleth
ABOUT ME (please look) by sushigo2
Sticky Slime Block 3 by tbpatj
galaxy rush by raaistcs1051
my intro by sushigo2
Survival Adventure - Part 1 by doraemon0411
Gaster by Chizzy505
Cyborg Intro for @sharkyshar by Theodd3soutJamesYT
Band Stereotypes by CCAnimates
Seagulls by sharkyshar
Speed Drawing Popular Scratchers by -TheLazyCoder-
Life of a princess by sushigo2
The Cave by Azern
dance time by fox30
It's Kinda Chilly by DerpAnimation
Bread but i messed things up!! by 1058081
Let's Make Bubble Tea! by AquaLeafStudios
MOLDY BREAD by robloxpiggylover
Bread by huntedskelly