spausman » Favorites (26)
The game of all games by spausman
Egyptian Mummies by CHIPEv
Rock Paper Scissors by kodarr
boulder dash by m44
boulder dash by sabant9
1s1s TUNNELED! (UPDATED) by HarleyK
Falling by HarleyK
Fun Bounce Lite (UPDATED) by FreshStudios
*Scrolling* by Luxturna
planet place by spausman
The Allusion 3 by spausman
Pizza Joe II by plb36
The Adventures Of Pizza Joe by plb36
The Computer by spausman
The maze 1 sprite sprite script by spausman
plane landing by spausman
Epic Gravity Ball by CheeseMunchy
Indiana Jones by spausman
A Hard Day's Night by Sgt_Pepper
Blue Army Pre-release by TM_
Pen Effect by harrypotter345
Angry Birds v.2 by Doink
The Allusion 2 by spausman
Mario Kart Scratched V. 9 by undefeatedgamestest
Ghost Escape by spausman
shark attack by spausman