Scratcher Joined 10 years, 4 months ago United States
About me
DeviantArt: LuxiaPoof42
Instagram: luxiedrawsstuff42
What I'm working on
I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm not active on here anymore. please go to my DA, Instagram, or Tumblr to find me (I swear my art is much better now ^_^")
Tumblr: luxiapoof42
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (46)
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My Last Art Dump by sofikagi
Art Dump :3 by sofikagi
Midi's bio by sofikagi
Art Dump! xD by sofikagi
Scratchbot! please explain this! by sofikagi
Fallen Angel- Yashi by sofikagi
Oasis bio updated by sofikagi
Art Dump of "I'm BACK!" :D by sofikagi
My Project (school project 6) by sofikagi
Fanon Vs. Canon Sign-up sheet (edited) by sofikagi
flying Tails! flappy bird...thing(school project 5) by sofikagi
PONG!! (School project 4) by sofikagi
AT with GregTheHedgehog09 by sofikagi
Maze Game Project (School project 3) by sofikagi
OMG TACOS! by sofikagi
Watch Me Dance! (School Project 2) by sofikagi
School Project 1 by sofikagi
Never let me draw humans EVER again by sofikagi
an answer. by sofikagi
What have you done? (Wolfie and Kaylee) by sofikagi
Favorite Projects
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Art Dump by SilverAndKaylee15
Kaylee Collie Animation Attempt by SilverAndKaylee15
A Past Forgotten: Final Fight by SilverAndKaylee15
Glacier "Cole" The Hedgehog by NightDahHedgie
I may be the shortest... (Silent Animation) by SilverAndKaylee15
A Past Forgotten: A New Chance by SilverAndKaylee15
100 pictures for 100 people by tiajoker
A Past Forgotten: Family Bonding by SilverAndKaylee15
(Me learned Lineless Art) Hedgie Hugglez by NightDahHedgie
cursing on scratch be like by ESS830
What I do in my spare time. by SparkyLongtail
GPX+ Novelty Pokemon - Winter Vulpix! by firestorm185
Pics dat need to be shown! by SparkyLongtail2
Scratch Bloopers 4 by theultimateguy02
Sensor Game (School Project) by assassin12349
Night's Bio template! (Woarels's Bio template remix by NightDahHedgie
Cloud the Dog Wallpaper/Small redesign by NightDahHedgie
scratchU8 Botches Up Some Songs by speechU8
Billy Cutlass's Bio by MetroidBoy
Studios I Curate
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