Scratcher Joined 4 years, 4 months ago Spain
About me
Grax a amigos como estos y no olvideis seguirlos:
y muchas mas GRACIASSSS
What I'm working on
En proyectos de scracht
lo amoooooo
en el colee JAJAJAJ estudios
1º ESO B por SIEMPRE!!!
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (45)
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MLK Speed Paint by sofiamc09
Ice-Cream Creator! IXX by sofiamc09
relajant rainbow square remix by sofiamc09
Geometry Dash by sofiamc09
Horizon || A Scrolling Platformer (Mobile) by sofiamc09
LAS 3 LEYES en pandemia remix by sofiamc09
Desert Appel by sofiamc09
astronauta obby by sofiamc09
Normal - A Normal Platformer remix by sofiamc09
Scratch remix by sofiamc09
Virtual among us pop-it! remix by sofiamc09
Cafeteria dino remix!:) by sofiamc09
iPad Pro remix by sofiamc09
Teclado ☁ remix re by sofiamc09
adivina tu edad:) by sofiamc09
Appel Hacked v1.0 remix by sofiamc09
Volcanic Apple (Nuevos niveles) re by sofiamc09
Let's Make Bubble Tea!!2020 by sofiamc09
Icon Creator remix by sofiamc09
Photography of birds album by sofiamc09
Favorite Projects
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MLK Speed Paint by sofiamc09
relajant rainbow square remix by sofiamc09
Geometry Dash by sofiamc09
Horizon || A Scrolling Platformer (Mobile) by sofiamc09
LAS 3 LEYES en pandemia remix by sofiamc09
Desert Appel by sofiamc09
Cafeteria dino remix!:) by sofiamc09
iPad Pro remix by sofiamc09
Appel Hacked v1.0 remix by sofiamc09
Volcanic Apple (Nuevos niveles) re by sofiamc09
☆ Pastry Pet Creator re☆ by sofiamc09
Let's Make Bubble Tea!!2020 by sofiamc09
Icon Creator remix by sofiamc09
adivina tu edad:) by sofiamc09
Photography of birds album by sofiamc09
juego memòria remix by sofiamc09
♡Adopt Me On scratch!(remix) by sofiamc09
laberinto(juego de pensar) by sofiamc09
Masked Creator remix by sofiamc09
Google Chrome remix by sofiamc09
Studios I Curate
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