smit1235 » Favorites (16)
My Oswald The Blue Octopus Logo remix by RealAshKetchum123
Super Luigi Bros: night vision by smit1235
Super Luigi Brothers (2s2s) by BoltBait
Super Luigi Bros. Level Editor by smit1235
Super Luigi Bros. by smit1235
Super Mario Bros (version 10) by PaulKoning
learn to type extra: level 1 numbers by smit1235
Peep and the Big Wide World by Icy123
Ducklife V1.1 by scarysquid
pluto: not planet by smit1235
Solar System by Wes64
Spongebob Squarepants Song: The Best Day Ever! by yo-man
learn to type: level 1 ASDFJKL; and also G and H by smit1235
Typing- The Game by MasterJimmyRules
Typing Game by Sportsy
globe by ttman12