Scratcher Joined 4 years, 1 month ago United States
About me
My about me sucked so, i'm a person (maybe an alien) who does mostly impressive coding things, maybe animations or art. I will add other links here later.
What I'm working on
maybe something 3d
I have mostly moved to microstudio, I will use scratch as a testing bed for various potential projects.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (80)
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Vr 3D game with really simple clipping by shady-luckshadow
Azex vs rex tri fill improved by shady-luckshadow
bool engine by shady-luckshadow
moving rainbow showcase by shady-luckshadow
limit line engine challenge by shady-luckshadow
Block timings by shady-luckshadow
1 Line engine v1.3 by shady-luckshadow
The red sunset by shady-luckshadow
3d MMMM engine by shady-luckshadow
fathers day by shady-luckshadow
grass but with accurate and buggy clipping by shady-luckshadow
ETUFTU 3D engine 1.4 WIP by shady-luckshadow
STTF v2.2 bitmap by shady-luckshadow
Lab of pain by shady-luckshadow
Faster triangle filler but works for scratch 3 by shady-luckshadow
spectra engine v5 public by shady-luckshadow
Scerra pixel renderer but its paint by shady-luckshadow
Scerra pixel renderer by shady-luckshadow
Scerra 0.1 by shady-luckshadow
spectra engine by shady-luckshadow
Favorite Projects
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Mochi mochi Slime【6】モチモチスライム6 3D by nakakouTV
Retro by Platform_maker444
Scratch Emulator v0.23.3 by griffpatch
Vr 3D game by Josh_Lu
3D graphing calculator by 52525rr
Binary GPU Screen (BPU test) by bluebun7
Fifteen 3D (20000 followers) by RokCoder
Basic Remix Protection 2.5 by geocashing
3D Graph Based 2D Color by Nurutomo
3D Open World Game WIP by BambozzIe
[ARCHIVE] Minecraft v0.4.1 by scratchfan321
3D Tilt Maze by Chrome_Cat
{Rocky Hills Edition} ☁ 3D Online Platformer ☁ [Mobile Friendly] by PopuIar
☁ 3D cloud platformer ☁ remix by tercerocrandon
MMO 3D cloud☁ Games by hamster46
Multiplayer 3D Lobby by littlebunny06
Speedy Shadowing Engine by JEFFDABOIB
PRET by rens2
BEAT LIGHT 2.5D β by samirin
Raycaster whit y axiz by MaxWins11
Studios I'm Following
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GAMES - 100 Blocks MAX
Technical Scratchers
Best STTF Projects
Speed tests - how to do things faster!
3D Rendered Objects
3D Graphics and Scratch
3D Projects
SD - 3D
Autism Acceptance Studio!!! ❤️
Official KIKOKO_ Fan Club
1000 project attempt!
Everything BEAR
Scratch: AR (fnaf ar only, sorry)
Studios I Curate
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【 Scratch Chat 】
Limit line challenge
Projects made using 3d engines.
3d engine studio
The Infinity
FNaF Hardcore voice casting
3d minecrafts
roblox like stuff
FNAK Materials Studio
FNAK (Fan-Made Scratches)
pen video
some people who follow me
cool 3d stuff
my truecoleye fan made stuff
3d mmmm engine studio
my cool stuff
old stuff
awesome remixs
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