sfmack » Favorites (29)
level editor! a platformer generator v.1.2 by sfliamp
Balloon Dodge! v.12 Backdrop Changer!! by sfliamp
fnf scratch cat test ( new mobile mode fixed!) by sfliamp
Holiday quiz. by sfkurtb
Holiday Quiz by sfsilvir
clickbait by sfbirkw
Digital Dilemma by sfcallieh
The hacked website by sffrankk
]macks roblox story by sfmack
Planet Clicker by Coltroc
Twilight book talk by sfgracief
Yertle the Turtle by sfoliverg
Guts booktalk by sfjoycelyno
book talk critique by sfmack
book talk scratch magic thief by grantwang15
Shrek Clicker Alpha by rhysbeynon
Paper Minecraft v11.7 (Minecraft 2D) by griffpatch
spacebar counter by sas_brock
Sneezing now & then... by -NerdAnimator-
Paper Plane || animation by BluePlanet1
Fast Foods 3 by -NerdAnimator-
Make a Block by sfbraedenb
Holiday Greeting Card by sfmack
build a band by sfgiovanni
build a band 2.0 by sfmack
Debug-It 1.4 by ScratchEdTeam
Debug-It 1.3 by ScratchEdTeam
Scratch Surprise by sfbrynnr
ospc by sfandrew