sevu1 » Shared Projects (59)
Thank You Mr. Lerner by sevu1
Clone - Nivene // Debug It 3 // Serena V by sevu1
Puzzle 4 -Nivene//debug it 2 remix by sevu1
Puzzle 2 - Nivene // Debug it 4 // Serena V by sevu1
Build a band remix by sevu1
Ball Catcher remix by sevu1
November 8th Debug Activity remix | Serena V by sevu1
stop the octopus remix - Serena V by sevu1
10-6-5-4-3-2-1 || Serena V by sevu1
3D Pyramid with Cloning! Remix by Serena V by sevu1
Cloning - Serena V by sevu1
Debug-It 4.5 - Serena V by sevu1
Debug-It 4.4 - Serena V by sevu1
Debug-It 4.3 - Serena V by sevu1
Debug-It 4.2 - Serena V by sevu1
Debug-It 4.1 - Serena V. by sevu1
Interactions - Puzzle 9 - Serena V by sevu1
Interactions - Puzzle 8 by sevu1
Interactions - Puzzle 6 by sevu1
Interactions - Puzzle 7 by sevu1
Interactions - Puzzle 5 by sevu1
Interactions - Puzzle 4 by sevu1
Interactions - Puzzle 3 by sevu1
Interactions - Puzzle 2 by sevu1
Interactions - Puzzle 1 by sevu1
scrolling remix by sevu1
Scrolling - Serena V by sevu1
Pong- Brianna Puorro remix by sevu1
Pong Game - Serena V by sevu1
Maze remix by sevu1
Maze - Serena V by sevu1
Pass It On remix remix remix - Serena V by sevu1
Pass it on remix remix - Serena V by sevu1
Pass it on remix - Serena V. by sevu1
Pass It On - Serena V. by sevu1
Scenes - Serena V by sevu1
Debug-It 3.5 - Serena V. by sevu1
Debug-It 3.4 - Serena V. by sevu1
Debug-It 3.3 - Serena V. by sevu1
Debug-It 3.2 - Serena V. by sevu1
Debug-It 3.1 - Serena V. by sevu1
Characters - Serena V. by sevu1
Build a Band - Serena V. by sevu1
It's Alive - Serena V. by sevu1
Debug It! 2.5 - Serena V by sevu1
Debug It! 2.4 - Serena V by sevu1
Debug It! 2.3 - Serena V by sevu1
Debug It! 2.2 - Serena V by sevu1
Debug It! 2.1 - Serena V by sevu1
Orange Square, Purple Circle by sevu1
About Me - Serena V. by sevu1
Debug-It 1.5 remix by sevu1
Debug-It 1.4 remix by sevu1
Debug-It 1.3 remix by sevu1
Debug-It 1.2 remix by sevu1
Debug-It 1.1 remix by sevu1
10 Blocks - Serena Vu by sevu1
Step By Step - Serena Vu by sevu1
Scratch race by sevu1