selim_tezel » Studios I Follow (168)
It's Okay To Dance! #YouGotTheMoves
Robots, Androids, and Artificial Intelligence
Front Page Curator Applications
100% Pen
3D Studio
Scratch Surprise
Simulations 64
Astronomy Simulations
CS50x 2015
Math projects!
Math projects
SD - Didattica - Didactics
Astronomy Studio
Interesting Projects
Mathematical Impossibilities
SD - musica - music
SD - arti visive - arts
SD - musica - music - HQ
SD - particle systems
Block Dance Party!
Audio Visualizers
We Love Scratch!
Drawing shapes with math
SD - 3D
Custom Block Madness!
3D Projects
kleur en inspiratie
SD - scienze - science
Astronomy Scratch
Beautiful Physics
Mathematical and Scientific Projects
Unpopulor projects that are GOOD
Math teaching materials (for teachers free use in lesson)
Cellular Automata
Dynamic Geometry in Scratch
Mechanisms on Scratch
Mandelbrot and Julia sets
Physics Lab at Scratch
Pen Simulations & Games
3D Rendered Objects
Physics and Math!
math amazing!
Science Fiction Studio
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