sefsef » Favorites (22)
Pen Text Engine Ultra by -Rex-
Color Crazy! by sefsef
Save Her! (v1.2.2) by applepiesleth
Apple vs Android (Animation) by wafflejoe
Judy Hopps | 3-in-one by Hope4Tomorrow
Fist of Furious by kevin_eleven_1234
Cloud Platformer Multiplayer Fun v1.42 by griffpatch
Pilz-Memory by happyturtle5
Minion reaction remix by owen123707
FLAPPY BIRD!!!! by hotfuzz4ever
Fight Fire With Fire by Will_Wam
Dance With Me, You P.Y.T. by cinnabungirl13
Fruit Panic (Updated for 2021!) by JPiZZleScrAtch
~P L A T F O R M E R~ by stm15-tintin
Pacman for Scratch by aoliver2
Space Escape v4.1 by LBMCompany
Easy Platformer by Tibet76
Add yourself running from scratchcat by X-Emolga-X
Oreo! by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
Tank Battle 2.5.5 by DaveTheGamer80
Don't. Touch. Anything. by Joelbot2000