sebman1 » Favorites (46)
Stick Adventure 1.0.2 by santiman1
Scratron 1.0 by sunoise
100%- A Clicker Game (v0.3) by Xiko
Smiley War by RedLightningScar
Jumper (Platformer) by Depicklator
Fifty50 by L-Rignity
Luigi_FTW for FPC! by Luigi_FTW
Rhyse by MegaByteCorporations
Da Bear Show!: Ep 1:Aligator by bear123bear456
Train by applepiesleth
platformer 1 level by santiman1
- v1.1d by griffpatch
Grepolis Scratched by mmwebdesign
Home Run by jamesornames312
Save the Universe by jamesornames312
FOR @BlossomRunner and @sebman1 ONLY! the even numbers-2 by cupcake317
Stranded by jackbotic
The Ninja 3 by Will_Wam
Wave by squig3
Xstep Ninja by santiman1
Z O O M by fmtfmtfmt2
Ice Cream Shop by Frostpuff
Hill climb car driving game thing by cwkjack1147
Scratch Bloopers 3 by theultimateguy02
meow by santiman1
A Scratch Cat Titanic Story by Brambasiel11
Pokemon Clicker v2.0 (MEGA EVOLUTION) by 39mammals
Laggpic by Jardenruss
Scratcharia v2.8.3 by griffpatch
UPhone additions V 1.7 by sebman1
Little Kid Shaming by scratchU8
Real Shift™ Mustang Wars by IguanaLover
Space Tunnel by heldlaw
Bitz by videobob
geometry puzzle by Bobo927
Metamorphic by JavaChips
Climb the Tower v2.0 FINISHED by Googamp
The Bauble Factory by WoompaDoop
Football 2 player by wenzhoumei
What Fruit Are You? by treepandaa
Boxle by AriArk
How To Make A Quiz by tinycoolgurl123
What MEAT Are You? by bluecrazy9
Mario's Opinion on Doors by scratchU8
HIDE v1.3 by -Scratcher-
Cube Jumper by Will_Wam