scratchrocco » Shared Projects (42)
1 or 2 by scratchrocco
pen game by scratchrocco
a game with 0 sprites v0.1 (its old) by scratchrocco
Rat Platformer by scratchrocco
playtime song by scratchrocco
my sounds by scratchrocco
9/7/24 my very own first project!!! by scratchrocco
savecode by scratchrocco
my profile art by scratchrocco
a game with no green flag block by scratchrocco
scratch cat's maintrance maina! part 2 trailer!! by scratchrocco
scratch cat's maintince mania! part 1 by scratchrocco
whats the word? by scratchrocco
by scratchrocco
Infinity blocks by scratchrocco
this is a counter! by scratchrocco
please turn on torbo mode by scratchrocco
Test by scratchrocco
Test-2 by scratchrocco
this is a sample text! by scratchrocco
appel catch game by scratchrocco
lets go by scratchrocco
Appel! (test) by scratchrocco
underfined blocks by scratchrocco
Test by scratchrocco
t by scratchrocco
12345678901234567890 counter by scratchrocco
help by scratchrocco
scratch cat falls down the stairs by scratchrocco
here comes nothing by scratchrocco
wait wha- by scratchrocco
car. by scratchrocco
you cant stop this project by scratchrocco
Untitled-56 by scratchrocco
hello. by scratchrocco
move by scratchrocco
help by scratchrocco
Untitled-42 by scratchrocco
aw snap! by scratchrocco
just watch it by scratchrocco
9_28_24 (1) pong game by scratchrocco
9/21/24 apple eater by scratchrocco