Scratcher Joined 8 years, 8 months ago Russia
About me
je siu sartorij .
je voudrez progresse dans Scratch. et réalise un jeux scénarisé avec une grande aventure
What I'm working on
je suis en train de faire un jeux avec une grande aventure, un scénarisé, des montra et une fin joliesse
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (24)
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émine (version de revitalisation alpha 1.7.0-13b) by sartorij
Triangulation by sartorij
cube orange (vertion pré alpha 0.0.2-5) by sartorij
Snake V0.4 by sartorij
Snake V0.3 by sartorij
Snake V0.2 by sartorij
Snake V0.1 by sartorij
collision & gravity motore by sartorij
moteur phtisique II alpha 0.2 by sartorij
Numération V1.1.2 by sartorij
Numération V1 by sartorij
espace speed by sartorij
Premier jeu de Sartorij préreliseV2.0.6.7 by sartorij
La fourmi de Langton v2 by sartorij
dessinateur V2.2 by sartorij
test depl by sartorij
émine (version alpha 1.6.1-16) by sartorij
cube orange (version pré alpha 0.0.1-8)workinprogres by sartorij
Snow falling alpha0.7 by sartorij
Untitled by sartorij
Favorite Projects
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decomposes a number into product and sum below a sill. V2 by jaffarrymmy-5448
Platformer Engine w/ Grappling Hook by BluStryx8
sɴᴏᴡ ᴅᴀʏ by jackmccomish
Scratchnapped (A mario style platform game) by griffpatch
Dot To Dot!! (てんつなぎ) by akamaru_prg
ROCKET by -Fornax-
Circle Art ! by MrRubiksSC
Passages - 100% Pen by -Yodasaurus-
TURN (legacy) by atelierB
Aether - A Vector Platformer by NoseyNose
Looking Into The Sky ☁ (Animation) by whimsical
Shufflepuck 100% Pen by ajzat25
Formal Run by DarkLava
Soccer Ace [Collab] by RacingAce
A Boy and His Light by thedotmaster
TRON (2-4 players) by humantorch01
Amalgam by DualityReality
新・ボールころころ1 by s00384206
Color Wheel (a game) by Doctor_Llama
Realistic fireworks by pixelisator
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