saesam » Shared Projects (112)
i quit. by saesam
bob the platformer by saesam
Rewrite 1.0 by saesam
The RANDOM Meme by saesam
Requests! by saesam
How'd your first day of school go? by saesam
Total Drama Scratch! by saesam
School Savers: Roman Times by saesam
REMIX: Falling into a paralell universe by saesam
Psychedelic Drawing Maker by saesam
The Scratchiodic Table of Elements by saesam
Add_yourself_spinning_Around[1] by saesam
Basic Floaters by saesam
Floaterize Me Contest by saesam
Add a part to The Contraption by saesam
saesam's entry to: RS1298's coloring contesst repost! by saesam
the Shopping MEME by saesam
TEST 1.3.2 by saesam
TEST 1.0.1 by saesam
TEST 1.0 by saesam
Add Yourself As An Egg! by saesam
The Art Meme! by saesam
The Food Meme! by saesam
Scratch Stats by saesam
How to… eat a lychee friut by saesam
Add_Youself_to_the_Group_Photo[1] by saesam
The saesam blog goes to florida by saesam
re: Contest!!! by saesam
Add Yourself to the Smily Party! by saesam
Against_Kill_Shelters[1] by saesam
Scratch Glitch Proposal.[1][1] by saesam
SORRY, SCRATCH. by saesam
B-mail Reply by saesam
Click to flip! by saesam
Add yourself in space by saesam
1000000 projects! by saesam
B-mail by saesam
Saesam blog by saesam
Customize Your own DS!!!!! by saesam
The Skill Crane 1.0 by saesam
Add your toy to the skill crane!! by saesam
My entry for the Blob contest by saesam
add your star by saesam
Simple Pendulum by saesam
More for 2.0 or 1.5 by saesam
Add yourself spinning in circles!!! by saesam
Blue dude hitting screen by saesam
1000000 projects. by saesam
Pointless Button by saesam
Total Randomness 1 by saesam
Add yourself to the game screen by saesam
Happy Easter and Passover by saesam
Some of my Scratch 2.0 ideas. by saesam
i'm quiting by saesam
Add yourself with spring spirit! by saesam
The Scratch Quiz by saesam
Checker Board by saesam
Patterns by saesam
My Scratch Olympics Sign Up Sheet Entry by saesam