s79 » Favorites (232)
Cloud Platformer Multiplayer Fun v1.42 #3 by griffpatch
Roblox Doors (ACTUALLY UPDATED) by buldier
Music Maker by pooky2007
Shuba Duck dancing to bad piggies trap remix (not like the scratch thing) by M3M3M4ST3R1
Griffpatch's Blue Line Filter by griffpatch
Five Nights at Freddy's 2 Scratch Edition by goodrayman
Make a Mouse Trail by cheetery
Deadpool Clicker by MegamarvelFan23
Undertale OST - 023 Shop [TRAP REMIX] by stuffwithethyYT
Afk simulator by cheetery
Minecraft Speedrun: The Game by KillerByte
3 Air plane stereotypes - Pt 1 by Squishy-Animations
FNAF Remixer by s79
Scratch Legends by lightningdolphin26
Scratch's Galaxy Adventure v1.0 by -FinalTrack-
Minecraft battle-Wither VS Enderdragon by cheetery
Not a rick role by cheetery
Cloud Platformer Multiplayer Fun v1.42 #2 by griffpatch
Death is not the end by gamecool14
Create you by TheActress
Puzzle Paths by 1000652
Potato Creator v1.1 by urbanpotat
2 player battle by Donsje_Partner
Getting Over It v1.4 by griffpatch
Creeper logic by lobie5
Hollow Knight - Scratch Edition v2 by CrystalKeeper7
100% Pen Bloons Tower-Defense by diggerboy12
diep.io v1.5 by griffpatch
Gobo Needs a Haircut - One Sprite & Mobile by xxscienceboyxx
This is so stupid by Rodgers179
Gum Simulator ALPHA 1.3 by s79
Lightcube Platformer by firstject
Will_Wam Tower Defense by Will_Wam
Shark by NickyNouse
when you miss your alarm by arikaallred
Cloud Platformer Multiplayer Fun v1.42 by griffpatch
Food frenzy! by griffithsrock1
MVR the monkey bomer squad by catago100
Logo for @s79 by mararocolor
Money Tycoon by griffithsrock1
Crab puzzle by lightningdolphin26
Pen Platformer (80% Pen) by 23ScratchMan
slither.io v1.13 (#1) by griffpatch
♠ Delivery Drone ♠ by HumanLight
Lyrics Taken Literally by ClassicRedJacket
Twins by t9decode
Australian Voyage by s79
s79 logo by arikaallred
Rescue. The legendary adventure part 1 by Nightmare641
Christmas Tree 2016 by Finlay_Cool
minecraft-steve vs skydoes minecarft by minecraft-360
DiNOSauR INvaSIOn!!!!!!!!!!!! by CodeRobot10
Despacito (alto sax.)!! by CodeRobot10
Music Dots!!!!!!! by CodeRobot10
Pop the balloons!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by CodeRobot10
Count the Balls!!!!!!!!!!! by CodeRobot10
R.I.P hearts! by CodeRobot10
Run away from the cat!!!!!!Lesson #1 by CodeRobot10
The fish by scythwind98764
Slope by goch