Scratcher Joined 3 years ago Thailand
About me
Am a male
Age...i can't tell
[Pfp made by lifg]
What I'm working on
nothing, really
Trying not to be lazy challenge (impossible)
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
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izzy vs roger [2] by rogerpoglol
Hey It him!11 (6) by rogerpoglol
blue stickman has appear! (4) by rogerpoglol
cooler red guy (2) by rogerpoglol
Erm.. Awkward! (0.5) by rogerpoglol
really lazy while making this by rogerpoglol
my first Ays project...i don't liek it by rogerpoglol
BFHOR 1 the ground. by rogerpoglol
the laziest project by rogerpoglol
osaka remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix by rogerpoglol
more question! (3) by rogerpoglol
Roger has join the Project (1) by rogerpoglol
BFHOR 0 by rogerpoglol
Roger been spawn by rogerpoglol
I had to. by rogerpoglol
Cool i guess. by rogerpoglol
i have no idea and am being lazy (4) by rogerpoglol
TODAY I WILL- (2) by rogerpoglol
[Intel Vs. Roger] E (2) by rogerpoglol
Roger the (13) by rogerpoglol
Favorite Projects
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Penultimate Chart Converter for AYS/SSS by SpideyPlays_Test
Scratch's Smooth Saturday by SquigglyTuff
How to make a ays Project! WITH IMAGES by usobonz1
SlopFlower by DarkBlueFlower
crashing downwards by Adjack111
poop by sebses
Battle For Cake! (Bfdi game) by Badman1254
AYS: SUBTERFUGE by TerrificTorchy
burned out again by Chase2006
red stick feller by MissingNo_1
This user is male. by Usercards
Fight the average dark purple stickmen by furryflax
Subterpeak by Secret_Gamesv4
Click The Crowdy! by ColtenGamer9
I BEAT MID! by subaluwa
AYS: TwiddleFinger V3 [REMASTERED] by yippe_04
Doritos Nightmare (VOICELINES very loud) by axolotl_12514
rule 7 remix by EpicBanana212
Add yourself/your oc singing Silly Billy (0) by Adjack111
Fight Scene made on Mobile by ABatchOfScratchBoiii
Studios I'm Following
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step 1. ADAPT
Null series.
Mc Dick's (forgotten restaurant)
McRicks (DEAD)
Peeps Who can't SLEEPS!!!
The chads
The Phighters
The Fighters of Scratch
Fight collab people that are good at fighting
The GREAT guys
stickman only
Roast Brothers
Fight Collab Community
His Darkness' Return Tourney [HDRT]
Studios I Curate
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Untitled Studio
The Phighters
tf2 proifile pictrue gang
fallen top-hat
The chads
The Anti Meta Gaming Guys
The GREAT guys
The Fighters of Scratch
Null series.
stickman only
Power Level Station C R A Z I N E S S Studio!!!
Kai and Greeny Studio
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