rixtyd » Favorites (1356)
c.f.l.b episode :2: find the peices by wigiboy24
Scratch Fighters Rebirth- Version by SonicPlayz155
c.f.l.b : 1 : brawl on the bridge by wigiboy24
AYS - Guest User (0) by rixtyd
Rix in my style! by Abettername_GB
Diabolical-Ricky.. Polyified by ryderfnflife
Rix design change remix by bluberrie_yum
Rix design change by rixtyd
Add yourself/your oc singing: Wrong Finger but rix and blu sing it by wigiboy24
FNF SC Doubling Down but i reanimated snowy. by SillyGooberGuh
Diabolical-Ricky.. by rixtyd
SC pause screen teaser by rixtyd
contestant 3 by wigiboy24
annoncement! (closed) by wigiboy24
Minecraft Rix by DinoSquirt
IMA TEENAGER by wigiboy24
rix is gojo remix by Doom_slayer_26
How i was hired for sc by itsnowytoons
Secret Mini game Music by BlackImposterv4
Found You by BlackImposterv4
Rixtyd by BlackImposterv4
YOUR PRIZE by BlackImposterv4
i got broad by jamie20000
Bored x16 by BlackImposterv4
youtube idea by PuffyFrog1
Wait whaaaa by scratchcatneob-side
Bored ig,.,.,., by LOONAMARK
Reporting Streak by BlackImposterv4
AYS: Stand off (0) but cherry red and rixtyd sing it by wigiboy24
Supasupa kool by rixtyd
I just want to talk to Scratch moderation by Roberto3069
FNF SC SHUCKS by itsnowytoons
RIX!? by DinoStoolitee
The Funny AYS Engine remix by geraboisuper87
FNF Hijinx but my friends have replaced characters. by bluberrie_yum
Ofc Ik what to do by themoonz
spoingus by rixtyd
Ported to the AYS Engine by rixtyd
AYS - Aftermath (0) by rixtyd
AYS: RIDDLED by BlackImposterv4
Story-1 by jdn9926
an average berry and biv4 convo by BlackImposterv4
Welcome to my Profile/About me! by jdn9926
sneak peak by bbblueysConcepts
goob. by SillyGooberGuh
AYS - A Family Guy (0) by rixtyd
AYS - Post Trauma (13+) by rixtyd
Bitmapped art :) by scratchcatneob-side
AccOuNtHaHa's FNF Visualiser: Looned Fox by scratchcatneob-side
Thrasted by BlackImposterv4
*blows up pancakes with mind* by geometrydash-creator
3 years of Scratch by Raboot4562
It's his birthday. His test. by bluberrie_yum
Survivor Rix V4 (13+) by rixtyd
Teaser....... by RofamToonz
PLAYABLE by goldenfisi21
:0 by rixtyd
dude can someone animate these for a revamp of my battered sprites by DT_F-Sides
USA or UK? by Danrom0809
This isn’t over for ray’s journey. by hunterleethecoolkid