pusheen4robot » Shared Projects (133)
Happy Thanksgiving! by pusheen4robot
The outer space trip by pusheen4robot
First summer trip!!! by pusheen4robot
Hot Air Balloon Game by pusheen4robot
The summer vacation by pusheen4robot
Untitled-111 by pusheen4robot
can't beat this by pusheen4robot
April fools...... HAHAHAHAH (revised) by pusheen4robot
BUNKER HOUSE by pusheen4robot
The spooky driving home by pusheen4robot
Getting ready for work by pusheen4robot
Video 1 by pusheen4robot
HEy go by pusheen4robot
cat is a shape by pusheen4robot
The teleportation by pusheen4robot
Untitled-106 by pusheen4robot
FREE SAND PIT by pusheen4robot
HUE by pusheen4robot
CASHEWS AND MEAT by pusheen4robot
Band room by pusheen4robot
Martian Cat by pusheen4robot
Roof-Top by pusheen4robot
Animate by pusheen4robot
Cat or Dog by pusheen4robot
AI HELPING by pusheen4robot
Water display (Las Vegas, NV) by pusheen4robot
Add your custom place!!!! by pusheen4robot
basic project (official) by pusheen4robot
moral simulator by pusheen4robot
Haunted exploration by pusheen4robot
custom scenery by pusheen4robot
NUT by pusheen4robot
Low metronome by pusheen4robot
Aircraft carrier 2.0 by pusheen4robot
Platformer game by pusheen4robot
Rreckddets by pusheen4robot
@aJavascriptCoder be like by pusheen4robot
Roads for different shapes by pusheen4robot
MSG Globe (Las Vegas, Nevada) by pusheen4robot
Houses by pusheen4robot
Spinning tree by pusheen4robot
Spinning rectangular prism by pusheen4robot
metronome by pusheen4robot
Untitled-93 by pusheen4robot
BREATHE Cat's annoying breathing by pusheen4robot
Space orbit by pusheen4robot
DVD LOGO! remix by pusheen4robot
virus simulation remix by pusheen4robot
ULTIMATE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by pusheen4robot
Untitled-86 by pusheen4robot
My first official game. (In progress) by pusheen4robot
A background for you by pusheen4robot
Untitled-68 by pusheen4robot
Not fixed by pusheen4robot
on Scratch by pusheen4robot
Scratch Cat's private island by pusheen4robot
Private ISLAND trip by pusheen4robot
ISS TRIP by pusheen4robot
ØH HĘŁŁÓ THĖRË by pusheen4robot