profestefan » Favorites (344)
Numeros Complejos by profestefan
Bulge by sticku
The Game Of Life by WooHooBoy
Balls And Springs by cmessenger
Beaker Sim 3 by DarthPickley
Soothing Ocean Scene by mwiedmann
Planets by Lucario621
chop shop by m44
3D Shape Runner by ProdigyZeta7
Matrix Calculator by Rahi-Tak
Disappearing Dots by scubajerry
Untangle the Clones - WITH SCORING by scubajerry
3D Engine -part 2 (projection to 2D) by DadOfMrLog
64x64 Conway's game of life by tpaley
Dot - Programming by macintoshosmaker
Tunnel by poose
intelligent bugs life test vr1 by eniflaw
A and B by nevit
Exploding Oranges! by iawbrooks
The Sieve of Eratosthenes by mrswanson
Isometric Level Creator (WIP) by Smozzick
Game of Life 3D by DrSuper
Graph_Interactive by dapontes
The Data Workshop Two by scmb1
Trig Functions by DrSuper
The Parabolator by scmb1
How to Create 3D Wireframes by boaz4
billy bob joe by GurneyEG
Reversi with AI assistance by eniflaw
Soundscape by iTweak0r
Acceleration Effect by HDawg777
Pong Game by 18haques
Endless Portal Fall by Owltalon
World^2 - Beta 0.1 by mikeono102
Curator Cove by ErnieParke
Rat - a mini version of Scratch! by CustomEpicness
Boron by zdestefano70
Scratch Jr by archmage
bubble sort by archmage
4 Sprite XY Scrolling by archmage
Scrolling Done Right by archmage
Robot Arm^3 by Yllie
Video Sensing Pedals by c00lcurt
Musical Buttons by Scratchteam
Bubble Wrap by johnm
3D Pen by jwcoolguy10
Kaleidoscope by miapog13
kaleidoscope starter by ericr
Modelo SIR by Cristian_Cayun
Pop The Balloon by onlimegaming
3D Fountain by mikeono102
Lego Scratch Cat with camera motion by ericr
Moving car on Scratch with Webcam by scratch123454321
web cam controlled drawer by lego_guy
eat the cheesy poofs with a wind-up toy! by ericr
play with balloons and bug by mres
Tower of Hanoi by daeheryn
V2 - lego model creator by JSO
3D sprite demonstrations by sakafitrady