prathcraft » Shared Projects (195)
evol yajraj by prathcraft
2 player game everyone here by prathcraft
The game in my dream WIP 1 by prathcraft
The Truth About Scratch Characters by prathcraft
parry da PLATAYPUSSIs by prathcraft
e remix by prathcraft
e by prathcraft
How active are you rn? by prathcraft
Rollin' by prathcraft
Untitled-39 by prathcraft
Draw literallye ANYTHING by prathcraft
Cat A Platformer but BETTER by prathcraft
Super SOS Bros by prathcraft
The Carrot Dad (WIP) by prathcraft
Sounds n Stuff by prathcraft
Ima Make an ANIMATION! by prathcraft
I'm Making a Comment Animation Video by prathcraft
Don't buy a Tesla unless you have 50,000 dollars... by prathcraft
New OC!? by prathcraft
Don't click this by prathcraft
a thing hi by prathcraft
better lip sync but betterer by prathcraft
Jftbp (Journey for the best pizza) remix remix by prathcraft
FATHERS DAY!!!!! by prathcraft
Don't Touch Scratch Cat by prathcraft
The Scrolling Adventures Of Squary 1 (Scrolling Rpg) but better!! by prathcraft
better lip snyc by prathcraft
Walk by prathcraft
Bob the Blob slaps stuff remix by prathcraft
This took a long time by prathcraft
SOS - Super Object Show - Not Done by prathcraft
car yeetachu needed by prathcraft
If Your Fight a Player... by prathcraft
amoog us by prathcraft
Video games! by prathcraft
No Stev! by prathcraft
baby shark by prathcraft
ACHOO by prathcraft
HOW TO MAKE BFB ASSETS by prathcraft
DUNKIN' DONUTS by prathcraft
aw seriously? remix by prathcraft
Squishy by prathcraft
How to Follow Someone by prathcraft
Crystal Miner! remix by prathcraft
im scratch cat by prathcraft
Bounce by prathcraft
Untitled-16 by prathcraft
S.O.S. intro by prathcraft
2021 by prathcraft
Bim Bim Bim ( With me mouth ) by prathcraft
lip-o sync-o by prathcraft
snowball fight by prathcraft
animal crossing by prathcraft
prathamon purple by prathcraft
The Deadly Ball remix by prathcraft
INTRO by prathcraft
no hold | test | by prathcraft
Farmville (Demo) remix by prathcraft
Platformer god colours remix by prathcraft