Scratcher Joined 2 years, 1 month ago United States
About me
I like metal, I'm a fan of old games, Max Payne, Half-life ,Eternal Damnation , POSTAL 1 and 2, Afraid of Monsters, Project Crypt, Total Chaos, BeamNG.Drive and Cry of Fear.
What I'm working on
Completely redone
Check It out! same for gIock
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
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I have no Idea by pokerchip2
SlipKnoT 'Radio' but has 8 of my favorite songs by pokerchip2
2D BeamNG Drive with working suspension (ORIGINAL) by pokerchip2
|Eternal Damnation| -=Shotgun=- (Different chuck-chuck) by pokerchip2
| Nirvana | -=[ Sliver ]=- by pokerchip2
| POSTAL 2 OST | -= uncledave_heavymetal =- by pokerchip2
| POSTAL 2 and Eternal Damnation | -=Beta Shotgun (CUSTOM SOUNDS)=- by pokerchip2
|-=Cry of Fear Taurus PT-92 / 2008 GIock 19=-|-=(TRANSPARENT BACKGROUND)=- by pokerchip2
|Staind| -=Mudshovel=- by pokerchip2
-= Tolerate and Mudshuvel =- by pokerchip2
POSTAL 2 Luck Ganesh Music LOUD by pokerchip2
| POSTAL 2 | -=Original Shotgun (CUSTOM SOUNDS)=- by pokerchip2
| POSTAL 2 and Eternal Damnation | -=Beta Shotgun=- by pokerchip2
| POSTAL 2 | -=Original Shotgun=- by pokerchip2
| POSTAL 2 / Eternal Damnation | -=H&K MP5K=- by pokerchip2
Heart-shaped Box by Nirvana but it's Kurt Smiling by pokerchip2
| Eternal Damnation | -=Shotgun=- by pokerchip2
| POSTAL 2/Eternal Damnation | GIock by pokerchip2
Forest.OGG from Project Crypt by pokerchip2
Sig saucer P228 AoM:DC by pokerchip2
Favorite Projects
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Quandale Dingle, Crime And Mayhem Animated by Nolyntheksinge
MUSIC TO GO POSTAL TO by cyclopshark999
Petition simulator by adhdooze
Nolyntheksinge's Mossberg by Nolyntheksinge
create a simon by MarisaBonk_
HECU speech system by NUCLEAREXPERT555
Staind - This is beetle by --SKlBlDlTOlLET--
Outside- staind by v4nishz
Staind | Its Been Awhile | Music by MaulinCrew2
proper "M16" (M4A1) DOOM II remix remix by SimonHenriksson123
Postal 2 by adhdooze
M16 by Nolyntheksinge
Postal dude smonks a ghost by catlover841
(Smooth) Remington Pump Action by Nolyntheksinge
Horrible rip (HK MP5 With M203) by Reptlowagain
Postal 5 Intro & Menu by Nolyntheksinge
Untitled-27-2 by adhdooze
some half baked project by MACONRII
half baked postal 2 by Heisenburgthecook
Postal Redux on Scratch BUT REALISTC (wip) by trashathewoz
Studios I'm Following
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ROCK AND METAL STUDIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Artificially flavored games
SleepyPiggy64's Gun Stash
Nirvana Appreciation/fanclub Studio
The Adrian Shepard Union
add your projects im talking to you
Postal Studios
EvaX fanclub
Rock and Metal Fans (no pop or stuff like that)
Black Metal,Death Metal,Deathcore,Metal,Deathgrind
Follow if your name isn't Joe
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3D PRIME projects
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