
Student of: Intro to Computers 5th Period (ended) New Scratcher Joined 4 years, 4 months ago United States

About me

Slam Poet (in training)
1 d0nt car3 what u th1nk ab0ut meh
no, I don't live in Miami
✨ LiVe LiFe To ThE fUlLeSt ✨

What I'm working on

part 0f a c1ass
1 was f0rc3d t0 d0 th1s
S0 n0w 1ma...
pArTy In ThE cItY wHeRe ThE hEaT iS oN
aLl nIgHt, On tHe BeAcH tIlL tHe BrEaK oF dAwN ... "Welcome to Miami"

Extensions - Ruth

What I've been doing


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