Scratcher Joined 7 years, 3 months ago Spain
About me
m'agrada tocar la guitarra
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (17)
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rocket league sideswipe by otse08epg
shoot the aim by otse08epg
apocalipsis zomibie shooting zombies by otse08epg
geometry dash by otse08epg
geometry dash wave by otse08epg
just dance. I'm blue da ba dee. by otse08epg
The big maze by otse08epg
Arrive at the black portal by otse08epg
persegueix al ratolí (2 players) by otse08epg
porta el regal by otse08epg
FRUIT NINJA by otse08epg
agafa les pomes by otse08epg
optical illusions by otse08epg
L'entrada als videojocs by otse08epg
La Princesa s'escapa dels 4 dracs Ot Serra by otse08epg
nom animat ot by otse08epg
Menja la Mona!-Que Bona by otse08epg
Favorite Projects
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Is Griffpatch following you? (social connections experiment) #all by Mr-Mathmatical
Getting Over It v1.4 by griffpatch
Miner cat - Game by Coltroc
Crash mobile game by hoi14
Come Todo Rapido v3 by RichardJuegos
plataformas clase 2 (motor 0.2) by NecroHelioTutos
Tower Defense Game by warfame
apocalipsis zomibie shooting zombies by otse08epg
Colors Numbers by karkade35
Geometry Dash Spider Challenge by KingCuddles314
Interactive Bear! by -CoolBear-
Create Your Planet! V.2 by parktaebinbabo
Fortnite is the greatest video game of all time by radishboy
Roller Coaster Builder by RokCoder
The Ninja Level Creator by Will_Wam
Paint the Maze by colinmacc
Paper Minecraft v11.7 (Minecraft 2D) by griffpatch
minecraft creeper parkour by MattTUG
Engulf - a puzzle game by heldlaw
Natura's Lake - A Platformer by Dreamy_Dragonfly
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