olgataji » Favorites (112)
Dibujar polígonos 3 a 20 lados (sencillo) by chemagzm
Fils tendus by Daffodil_alias_Daffo
mod_4_ Chema González_ver2 by chemagzm
Virtual Piano v3.2 by Tommy100
carrera de coches de carmen 4 by chemagzm
Uhrwerk-Clockwork-Simulation by scratch-catcher
Design - Clock by scratch-catcher
Rainbow-Snake by scratch-catcher
Magic-Clock by scratch-catcher
Stinky mouse-path by scratch-catcher
How To Draw Linked Hearts (Celtic Knot Style) by KawaiiKitty123
Ukelele by olgataji
Violín interactivo by olgataji
Garaje by olgataji
Transportes by olgataji
digestion by scratchceibal
clones 2 by olgataji
ACT3-matangulos by profe1mats
ACT2-veleta by profe1mats
Trivial Comunidad Autonoma remix by profe1mats
poligonos remix by profe1mats
Dinosaurios Memory Infantil by chemagzm
CLASES DE SUSTANTIVOS POR M.J. by mariajesusjimenez
Tres en raya by yolandavel
actividad 2.1 circuito definitivo by yolandavel
Sílaba tónica by olgataji
Xilo_asb by sanbuitre
Animales vertebrados e invertebrados II. by gtrebol
Fish the word by olgataji
Juego de memoria by olgataji
Laberinto de alimentos by olgataji
Las figuras geométricas con volumen by olgataji
Juego de memoria con puntuación y cronómetro by olgataji
Juego de memoria musical con puntuación y cronómetro by olgataji
Ruleta de preguntas con puntuación. by olgataji
Laberinto de alimentos con puntuación by olgataji
Puzzle.Comunidades Autónomas de España by Anuska72
Círculo matemático by santiagodeolivera
PacMan by cdaniels7088
Movimiento_avión. by mlopezmanza
Mindfulness by joseclass
3D-Ball by PeaBrainProgram
Conductores de la electricidad by olgataji
Tangram by olgataji
Ciclo del agua by JorgeAguilar
POLIEDROS REGULARES by estherrodriguez1
Sumas y restas en vertical. 1º Educación Primaria remix by gbermejosanchez
What Conducts Electricity remix by crif_jfmb
Cristobal Colón con cloud Récord by jfmateos
Laberinto by olgataji
PacMan by matevzp
Números Naturales y Enteros by Manuelprofesor
La canasta veloz_v0 by Manuelprofesor
FIGURAS PLANAS by olgataji
FIGURAS by yusmi
PROPIEDADES by apereznistal
Cubismo y surrealismo by antares7518
PEQUEÑO LABERINTO by estherrodriguez1