nsz001 » Shared Projects (410)
fanart for @TheInternetIsCoool by nsz001
simple game by nsz001
Run costumes for Ben by nsz001
lip sync engine by nsz001
lip sync by nsz001
OC for @nea002 by nsz001
Salah! Part 1 : Qiyaam by nsz001
gobo running an on going GIF rainbow by nsz001
gobo running an on going GIF by nsz001
Fractions by nsz001
gobo running by nsz001
sura AL- al iklas Corrections by nsz001
Roll a die! by nsz001
Cloud Varibe multiplayer game! by nsz001
Simple platformer! No Variables! by nsz001
Quizzo quiz! (For muslim camp) by nsz001
Swirl by nsz001
My stripes by nsz001
Color wheel! Make your own! by nsz001
Color wheel! by nsz001
Islamic Coloring Pages copy by nsz001
platformer test no variable! 4 scripts by nsz001
20 follower celebration by nsz001
Week 1 work by nsz001
Poor Earth.... by nsz001
Nsz001 by nsz001
Random Background Animation remix by nsz001
The 5 pillars of Islam #animations by nsz001
custom blocks by nsz001
Scratch Muslim Camp Leader and Co-Leader Sign-ups remix by nsz001
Muslim camp activity 1 by nsz001
Surah Al falaq recited by me! by nsz001
Surah an nass recited by me! by nsz001
Surah al fatiha recited by me! by nsz001
200 project celebration by nsz001
Talking scratch cat by nsz001
dress up me remix-2 by nsz001
Random phone calling! by nsz001
Everything is ice! by nsz001
intro for @nsz001 3! by nsz001
maze by nsz001
Coin Dash Ep.1 (v1.1) remix by nsz001
dress up me remix by nsz001
Foxie!!! by nsz001
the eye is blinking 2 by nsz001
Intro for @Nsz001! #2 by nsz001
scratchcat adventures 1 by nsz001
the eye is blinking by nsz001
Intro for @Nsz001! by nsz001
scratch run! by nsz001
Islamic world part 1 by nsz001
Giga and nano by nsz001
Another Spinning Sharky alien from mars! by nsz001
Surat An-Naziaat (1-6) Reading by nsz001
Surat An-Naziaat (1-6) by nsz001
full cat frame new! by nsz001
The Sun! remix by nsz001
type!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by nsz001
10 followers celebration by nsz001