n-clue » Favorites (218)
3D Tutorial (Part 5) -- Camera Rotation by MathMathMath
BBC Model B Emulator (with 60+ games) by RokCoder
Machine Learning Model (AI) by samkov
NPR guy color bit depth by flumper-gumper
Every Block Timed v2 by ChromeCat_test
Fluid Simulation by kikunojo
Navier Stokes Fluid Simulation by uiopscratch327
Particle Life // Simulating life by AHypnoman
Particle Lenia by RokCoder
parvum - A Tiny Programming Language by SolarFlurry
VM100 Scripting by YoshiLover08
Diep.io overlord AI by Null-None
#34 Rotation and Friction by Code_of_Nature
Water physics + grid by Jago250
Physics Engine by mirukuma
2d perlin noise by Benett0222
Ant Shrinks on Fractal (mANTelbrot) by crkcity
Point Clustering (DBSCAN Algorithm) by GCgamesandcartoons
search engine by n-clue
Fissured Memories Demo (metroidvania) by flip_4_E
Buttoner - Build 28 - (Unfinished) Ultimate Enhancing by CookiePuppyPup
Buttoner - Build 17 (Settings, Statistics, and Bugfixes) by CookiePuppyPup
fast dda by alltrue
Scratchle v1.1 - Wordle With Scratch Blocks! by yippymishy
Menu Project by HundenBasse
Loop erased random walk by kupa1213
Super Scratch Bros Beta 4.0 by Hobson-TV
Image Neighborhood Operations by Java_Programmer
Sphere Pathtracer [WIP] by x6503
Project House v0.10.7 by SWL_
Ring Physics - Verlet [ Art of Nature ] by Ricky-Jan
PARABOXICAL by colinmacc
Brusselator (Chemical reaction simulation) by noverify
IcthusWM™: ARPOS by TeenyTea
My 1st Leaderboard (Backpackable) by grandpasp
3D Tank by canarycow
[ Reference ] Ep 2.2 Spring Force by Code_of_Nature
Normal Map and Albedo With Lighting by Hero6789
Portal Scratch Edition 2 by alexandretherrien
sorry guys by rat-violi
Button Puzzle (99 Blocks) by soa314
Keyboard Text Input by awesome-llama-test
[INDEV] SVG Renderer API by chooper-beta
Procedural Generation by scratching2x
Maze Game (Goofy Mode) by RUBYMP2009
The Forest RPG by KringleMcDingle
Taking Griffpatch's Stretching Sprites to the next Logical Extreme by VinCrafts
Donut by 09878901234321
Perlin noise! by Layzej
YouTube on Scratch by papipupepappa
SVG renderer 1.1 by maDU59_
PixelBender - Scratch's fastest textured 3d! by humanitymanu
Scientific Calculator by theooolone
Baba is you v1.0 || Scratch Remake by GonSanVi
3D Model Viewer 100% PEN by FAV_Mus
Game Engine by Luis0413
[Diffusion model?] Scratch AI image generation | 100% Scratch by Air_heads
smooth turning script by rat-violi
Tribute to Seymour Papert by ddc2017