musicisbest » Favorites (577)
planet by AzureRabbit
Bounce (V1.0) by -Black_Panther
Space Fight ☁ (Team Multiplayer) by KIKOKO_
100% pen shape drawer by 8161056
make your own licky cat!!! by dreamcycle
3D Never Ending Tunnel {not mobile friendly} by bluberrii-
Letter Generator Starter Project by dwseoh127
V2 - lego model creator by JSO
Multiplayer Tank Game IV by Tank101
Block Toggle ! a mini-game :) by Debility_Kheops
Bubble Shooter by MeDiaMond
Color Wars (100% Pen) by AiyanMind
MEGALOVANIA Piano by AiyanMind
Interactive Water (100% Pen) by AiyanMind
Missiles! by AiyanMind
3D Tearable Cloth Simulation by AiyanMind
Pac Man by guy77
Platformer template! by ale28hn
Idle Mining ALPHA | V1.18 | by Variluo
Colony Simulator by Hobson-TV
Surprisingly, Scratch! by BarelySmooth
#stopasianhate - An Original Poem by TiltedHorizon
Jetpack Joyride V1.3 by crazyweasle123
Arrow [Collab with Houchdj] by kevin_eleven_1234
Scratch Emulator v0.23.3 by griffpatch
Scratch in Scratch by mirukuma v0.1.1 by mirukuma
Clock by Endless_C0des
Ball projectile physics tutorial DONE V.1.1 by Endless_C0des
(Ep.20) Tile scrolling Tutorial V.1.20 by Endless_C0des
Easy Way to add Chords in Scratch Noteblocks (My Block) by dwseoh127_test
Licky Creator 2.0 by Bluestar2003
Untangle the Clones - WITH SCORING by scubajerry
funny stuff by hailfire34
Fleyhou+ by Flamingtorpedo
Retraceable Engine by dwseoh127
Pen Platformer Generator #all #games by Titanium01
Satisfaction 8 billion (Relaxing music) by Pyrus1
Homecome - Creatures of the Night by ArcanisHD
scrolling platformer (Collectible sprite) by WaterPaint_tutor
Scrolling Platformer (Platform sprite) by WaterPaint_tutor
scrolling platformer tutorial (Player Sprite) by WaterPaint_tutor
s i t by oliver-521
Click Code Platformer - Mobile friendly by atomicmagicnumber
Mega Zoom Trick by griffpatch_tutor
Fusion by Time_Tripper
Sphere shading by Wes64test
Optimized triangle filler by Wes64test
Perfect Platformer by Wes64test
Perspective Pen by Wes64test
the green ninja will be missed by AstroBubbles501
The End... by -TheGreenNinja-
It's my turn to move on [important announcement] by -TheGreenNinja-
Hobbs Home by NemoNaturally
Scratch Symbols - Cool fonts that work on Scratch by World_Languages
Keyboard Interactive! by DudeVonDude13
Dungeon Journey 2 by Will_Wam
900 Follower Green Intro Template! #All by -Zytixon-
Color Smash #games #all by -LightningCoder-